研究:「超頑強高壓」擾亂 致加州異常大旱 | 環境資訊中心

研究:「超頑強高壓」擾亂 致加州異常大旱


美國史丹佛大學科學家發現,眼前加州大旱的直接肇因是東北太平洋上空的「阻塞高壓脊」(blocking ridge,又名「超頑強高壓脊」(Ridiculously Resilient Ridge,3R),將重要的暴風雨降水來源帶往北方,進而導致2013年和2014年的雨季期間未能降雨。

美國加州乾涸的Mono湖泊。(來源:Josh Simerman)

「超頑強高壓脊」作祟 雨雪改落阿拉斯加

「3R在2014年1月達到高峰,覆蓋範圍橫跨加州和夏威夷之間的副熱帶太平洋地區到阿拉斯加北方的北極海。」研究主要作者、Diffenbaugh實驗室的研究生Daniel Swain說。


人類活動造成氣候變遷,史丹佛氣候學家Noah Diffenbaugh運用特殊的電腦模擬搭配統計技術,發現這種阻塞高壓脊,也就是擾亂典型大氣風場的高氣壓區,在溫室氣體濃度高的環境下更容易產生。


加州異常大旱 研究:溫室氣體惹的禍


為了更直接解答氣候變遷是否和2013年高壓脊有關,研究團隊和環境地球系統科學的統計學助理教授Bala Rajaratnam合作,以3R為基準,比較氣候模型實驗兩個組別的重力位高度(geopotential heights)─一種和氣壓相關的大氣特性。



Human CO2 Emissions Blocking California’s Normal Rainfall
STANFORD, California, October 6, 2014 (ENS)

The ‘Ridiculously Resilient Ridge’ formed by human-caused climate change has left California crippled by a withering record drought while diverting life-giving rainstorms to the north, Stanford scientists explain in a new study.

A team led by Stanford climate scientist Noah Diffenbaugh used a unique combination of computer simulations and statistical techniques to show that a “blocking ridge,” a persistent region of high atmospheric pressure over the Pacific Ocean that has diverted storms away from California, was much more likely to form in the presence of modern greenhouse gas concentrations.

Scientists agree that the immediate cause of the drought is a particularly stubborn “blocking ridge” over the northeastern Pacific – known as the ridiculously resilient ridge, or Triple R – that prevented winter storms from reaching California during the 2013 and 2014 rainy seasons.

Blocking ridges are regions of high atmospheric pressure that disrupt typical wind patterns in the atmosphere.

“At its peak in January 2014, the Triple R extended from the subtropical Pacific between California and Hawaii to the coast of the Arctic Ocean north of Alaska,” said Daniel Swain, a graduate student in Diffenbaugh’s lab and lead author of the Stanford study.

Swain coined the term “ridiculously resilient ridge” last fall to highlight the unusually persistent nature of the offshore blocking ridge.

Like a large boulder that has tumbled into a narrow stream, the blocking ridge diverted the flow of high-speed air currents known as the jet stream far to the north, causing Pacific storms to bypass California, Oregon and Washington. As a result, rain and snow that would normally fall on the West Coast was instead re-routed to Alaska and as far north as the Arctic Circle.

“Our research finds that extreme atmospheric high pressure in this region, which is strongly linked to unusually low precipitation in California, is much more likely to occur today than prior to the human emission of greenhouse gases that began during the Industrial Revolution in the 1800s,” said Diffenbaugh, an associate professor of environmental Earth system science at Stanford and a senior fellow at the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment.

The team first assessed the rarity of the Triple R in the context of the 20th Century historical record. They found that the combined persistence and intensity of the Triple R in 2013 was unrivaled by any event since 1948, when comprehensive information about the circulation of the atmosphere first became available.

To more directly address the question of whether climate change played a role in the probability of the 2013 event, the team collaborated with Bala Rajaratnam, an assistant professor of statistics and of environmental Earth system science.

Using the Triple R as a benchmark, Rajaratnam and his graduate students compared geopotential heights – an atmospheric property related to pressure – between two sets of climate model experiments.

One set mirrored the present climate, in which the atmosphere is growing increasingly warm due to human emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases. In the other set of experiments, greenhouse gases were kept at a level similar to those that existed just prior to the Industrial Revolution.

The researchers found that the extreme geopotential heights associated with the Triple R in 2013 were at least three times as likely to occur in the present climate as in the preindustrial climate.

They also found that such extreme values are consistently tied to unusually low precipitation in California and the formation of atmospheric ridges over the northeastern Pacific.

※ 全文及圖片詳見:ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.