天然氣生產設備處置不當 年洩漏量超乎預期
研究主要作者、密西根大學學者Eric Kort說,研究的時間點早於熱點附近廣泛的水力裂解活動。這表示並非裂解造成甲烷釋放,而是新墨西哥州聖胡安盆地天然氣生產處理設備洩漏的關係,而該處是美國最活躍的煤炭層甲烷產地。
儀器偵測二度驗證 甲烷熱點一直都在
在這項發表於「地質物理研究快訊」的研究中,科學家用歐洲太空總署的「大氣製圖用掃描影像吸收光譜儀」(Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric Cartography, SCIAMCHY)進行觀測。
2002至2012年間,SCIAMCHY就曾被應用於測量溫室氣體。研究期間,該甲烷熱點便一直存在著。由美國能源部洛斯阿拉莫斯國家實驗室(Los Alamos National Laboratory)運作的一總碳柱觀測網絡地面觀測站(Total Carbon Column Observing Network)已獨立驗證了該測量數據。
甲烷洩漏有爆炸疑慮 氣體溫室效果更強於二氧化碳
Just one location in the U.S. Southwest is responsible for producing the largest concentration of the greenhouse gas methane seen over the United States – more than triple the standard ground-based estimate, according to a new study of satellite data by scientists at NASA and the University of Michigan.
Methane traps heat in the Earth’s atmosphere and, like carbon dioxide (CO2), it contributes to global warming. But methane is 22 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than is CO2.
The “hot spot,” near the Four Corners intersection of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah, covers about 2,500 square miles (6,500 square kilometers).
In each of the seven years studied from 2003-2009, the area released about 0.59 million metric tons of methane into the atmosphere.
This is almost 3.5 times the estimate for the same area in the European Union’s widely used Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research.
The study’s lead author, Eric Kort of the University of Michigan says the study period predates the widespread use of hydraulic fracturing, known as fracking, near the hot spot.
This indicates that the methane emissions should not be attributed to fracking but instead to leaks in natural gas production and processing equipment in New Mexico’s San Juan Basin, which is the most active coalbed methane production area in the country.
Natural gas is 95 to 98 percent methane. Methane is colorless and odorless, making leaks hard to detect without scientific instruments.
“The results are indicative that emissions from established fossil fuel harvesting techniques are greater than inventoried,” Kort said.
Coalbed methane is gas that lines pores and cracks within coal. In underground coal mines, it is a deadly hazard that causes fatal explosions almost every year as it seeps out of the rock.
After the U.S. energy crisis of the 1970s, techniques were invented to extract the methane from the coal and use it for fuel. By 2012, coalbed methane supplied about eight percent of all natural gas in the United States.
In the study published online today in the journal “Geophysical Research Letters,” researchers used observations made by the European Space Agency’s Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric Chartography (SCIAMACHY) instrument.
SCIAMACHY measured greenhouse gases from 2002 to 2012. The atmospheric hot spot persisted throughout the study period. A ground station in the Total Carbon Column Observing Network, operated by the Department of Energy’s Los Alamos National Laboratory, provided independent validation of the measurement.
To calculate the emissions rate that would be required to produce the observed concentration of methane in the air, the authors performed high-resolution regional simulations using a chemical transport model, which simulates how weather moves and changes airborne chemical compounds.
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