【COP21連線】「非國家」層級減碳 超過全球鋼鐵業排放總量 | 環境資訊中心

【COP21連線】「非國家」層級減碳 超過全球鋼鐵業排放總量





耶魯大學資料驅動環境解決方案(Data Driven Environmental Solutions)小組分析兩個由城市、區域和企業組成的聯合國平台,發現這些平台參與者的減排承諾加總已超越全球鋼鐵業的碳排總量。


COP21主席、法國外長Laurent Fabius表示,耶魯的報告低估了全球氣候行動的規模,因為只納入兩個聯合國平台的資料。

耶魯分析了超過1萬個城市、區域、企業和投資人發表在「非國家區域氣候行動者」(Non-State Actor Zone for Climate Action,NAZCA)和「利馬巴黎行動議程」(Lima-Paris Action Agenda,LPAA)上的氣候承諾,許多牽涉國家級政府的合作。



「政府政策和行動以及越來越多企業、投資人、城市、區域和省份空前的串連,目前的加總仍然不足以達成控制暖化2°C。」UNFCCC執行秘書Christiana Figueres說,「但已經顯示出人類的力量還是有機會達成目標,乾淨能源的轉型趨勢也已不可逆轉。巴黎必須形成達成目標的下一波推進力。」



  • 整體而言,1192個城市和區域發表的1268個減排承諾共貢獻27億公噸二氧化碳當量(Gt CO2e)。
  • 總市值67兆美元的111個全球500大企業在NAZCA上發表減排承諾,貢獻近8千萬噸的直接與間接二氧化碳當量排放。
  • NAZCA上所有私人企業(1790份承諾書)加總可能是111個全球500大企業的10倍以上,因為111個全球500大企業的承諾只佔所有私人企業承諾的1/10。
  • 2044個城市和116個區域,包括所有個別發出的承諾以及NAZCA上23%的市長公約(Covenant of Mayors)城市,共佔全球人口的17%(12.6億)。
  • 全球購買力平價(PPP)前300大城市中,有97個參與NAZCA,總GDP PPP接近20兆。
  • 富比世2000(2014)大企業中,超過1/3(609家)參與NAZCA。
  • 這609家大企業2014年獲利共計19.2兆美元,相當於該年度中國、日本和德國的GDP。
  • 385家公營企業參與NAZCA,根據彭博的資料,總獲利達2.86兆美元。
  • 有15%的承諾書內容包含碳價,主要來自企業和投資人,770份碳價承諾中佔767份。
Subnational Emissions Cuts Surpass Global Iron, Steel
PARIS, France, December 4, 2015 (ENS)

“The many thousands of governors, mayors, companies and investors who have so publicly committed to climate action are telling governments that our job in Paris is a climate change agreement that opens every possible door to help them push further and faster ahead,” said Laurent Fabius, president of the Paris COP 21 UN climate change conference and French foreign minister.

Fabius is talking about a report by Yale University released today in Paris which underscores the rapid speed, breadth and depth of the growing alignment between government, cities, business and civil society in support of a new, universal climate change agreement that unlocks faster progress towards a low-carbon, resilient future.

The report by Yale’s Data Driven Environmental Solutions finds that the combined greenhouse gas emission reduction commitments recorded in two UN-backed platforms by cities, regions and companies surpasses the total emissions of the entire global iron and steel sector.

Released on the eve of the UN climate conference’s Action Day-COP21 on on December 5, the report also finds that 15 of the world’s 20 largest banks totaling close to $2 trillion in market value have made commitments to act and green bonds worth close to $50 billion are financing climate projects.

Fabius says the Yale report’s findings understate the scale of total global climate action because they are based on data from only two platforms supported by the United Nations, France and Peru, where national, regional and civic governments and business publicly enter their commitments to take action on climate change.

Yale analyzed over 10,000 climate commitments made by cities, regions, businesses and investors, many involving the cooperation of national governments, who formally recorded their pledges in the Non-State Actor Zone for Climate Action, NAZCA, and under the banner of the Lima-Paris Action Agenda, LPAA.

So far, 185 developed and developing countries, together representing a footprint of almost 95 percent of global greenhouse gases, have submitted their national climate action plans to the secretariat of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) as their contribution to the new agreement.

“Government policies and actions alongside an ever growing number of companies, investors, cities, regions and provinces are aligning as never before. Collectively they do not yet keep us below a 2 degree Celsius temperature rise,” said UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres. “But they keep that objective well within the affordable reach of humanity and they underwrite the truth that the clean energy transformation is already irreversible. Paris must trigger the next essential impetus towards that objective in terms of pace and scale.”

“Indeed climate actions both outside and inside NAZCA bring a potent and powerful package of solutions to support a successful COP-21 Paris outcome and a way of transforming the INDCs into reality on the ground,” she said.

The Yale analysis also shows that:

• In all, 1,268 commitments from 1,192 cities and regions contribute 2.7 gigatons of carbon dioxide equivalent (Gt CO2e) in emission reductions.

• One-hundred and eleven Global 500 companies with a collective $6.7 trillion market capitalization are making reduction pledges on NAZCA, contributing nearly 80 Million tons of Scope 1 and 2 CO2e reductions.

• The total mitigation potential of all of NAZCA’s private sector actions (1,790 commitments) could be 10 times greater than that, since the Global 500 companies make up approximately one tenth of NAZCA’s private sector commitments.

• 2,044 cities and 116 regions, including all those making individual commitments plus the 23 percent of the Covenant of Mayors’ cities represented on NAZCA, represent about 17 percent (1.26 billion) of the global population.

• 97 cities out of the top 300 global cities by GDP PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) are engaged on NAZCA, with a total GDP PPP close to $20 trillion.

• More than one-third (609) of the 2000 largest companies by Forbes 2000 (2014) across the globe are engaged on NAZCA.

• These 609 companies represent aggregate revenue of $19.2 trillion, equivalent to the combined national GDPs of China, Japan and Germany in 2014.

• 385 public companies on NAZCA with revenue data from Bloomberg have total revenue of $2.86 trillion USD.

• About 15 percent of all individual commitments include a carbon price. Companies and investors make the majority of carbon price commitments, accounting for a total of 767 of the 770 carbon price commitments on NAZCA.

※ 全文及圖片詳見:ENS




蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.