卡崔娜侵美一年後 墨灣罹難人數仍待評估 | 環境資訊中心

卡崔娜侵美一年後 墨灣罹難人數仍待評估


卡崔娜颶風過後,紐奧良80%陷入水澤中(圖片來源: FEMA)2005年8月29日正值卡崔娜颶風掠掃美國路易斯安那州與密西西比州,造成至少55人不幸喪生、75萬戶家庭被迫撤離家園。颶風挾帶16英呎高雷雨湧浪,撲襲紐奧良市周邊堤岸,導致龐嘉全湖水隨即氾濫,最後整個城市有80%身陷水澤之中。卡崔娜颶風是釀成美國最慘痛代價,亦是歷年來五大高死傷率的颶風之一。

Wounded Gulf Coast Takes Stock One Year After Hurricane Katrina
NEW ORLEAN, Louisiana, August 29, 2006 (ENS)
One year ago today Hurricane Katrina ripped across Louisiana and Mississippi, killing at least 55 people immediately and forcing 750,000 families to flee their homes. The storm surge of up to 16 feet breached levees surrounding the city of New Orleans, allowing water from Lake Ponchartrain to flood nearly 80 percent of the city. Katrina was the costliest and the one of the five deadliest hurricanes to ever strike the United States.