世界自然基金會直升機尼泊爾墜毀 無人生還 | 環境資訊中心

世界自然基金會直升機尼泊爾墜毀 無人生還


世界自然基金會直升機在尼泊爾山區墜毀(圖片提供:Red Panda Project)尼泊爾政府25日證實,一架由國際保育組織世界自然基金會(WWF)所承租的直升機在尼泊爾山區墜毀,機上24名人員全數罹難。由於尼泊爾政府決定移交干城章嘉峰(喜馬拉雅山中段)野生動物和棲息地保育工作給在地社區,在當地舉辦了一場移交典禮,直升機就在23日回程中墜毀。









No Survivors in WWF Helicopter Crash in Nepal

A helicopter chartered by the international conservation group WWF has crashed in the mountains of Nepal, killing all 24 people on board, Nepalese authorities confirmed Monday. The helicopter crashed Saturday on its return from a ceremony where Nepal's government turned over conservation of the wildlife and habitat around the Himalayan mountain of Kanchenjunga to a coalition of local communities.

The group on board the private Russian helicopter included Nepalese government officials, journalists, Western diplomats, Russian crew members and seven WWF staffers.

The helicopter left a conservation site in Ghunsa, near the foot of Kanchenjunga around noon local time on Saturday. The mountain, which is the third tallest in the world, is in eastern Nepal near the border with India. The helicopter was due to land in Taplejung, about 190 miles from Katmandu, 20 minutes later but failed to arrive.

A rescue team searched for the helicopter for nearly two days before finding the crash site Monday, about a mile from its departure point in a very remote and mountainous area. Rescuers, who reached the wreckage on foot, confirmed there were no survivors.

"The colleagues we have lost had dedicated their lives to conserving the extraordinary natural resources of Nepal and of the Earth," said WWF International Director General James Leape. "Their deaths are a huge blow to conservation efforts in Nepal, and worldwide. They will be greatly missed."

The Nepalese officials on board included Narayan Poudel, director general of Nepal's Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation and Gopal Rai, state minister for forests and soil conservation. Rai was the official who formally handed over the management of Kanchenjunga Conservation Area (KCA) to a council of local communities.

The KCA is known for its rich biodiversity, spectacular scenery and vibrant cultural heritage. The area is home to globally threatened wildlife species such as the snow leopard and red panda. The project, largely driven by WWF, aims to foster conservation efforts and to support the local communities through health services, informal education and income generating activities.

"The decision shows the government's commitment to give power to local communities, especially with regard to natural resources and equitable sharing of benefits," said Mingma Norbu Sherpa, director of WWF's Eastern Himalayas Program, who was also on board the helicopter.

Nepal lost outstanding planners, biologists, botanists, geographers, ecologists, sociologists and conservation managers. "The loss is irreversible," says senior conservationist Bhairab Risal.


