柴油卡車排放之廢氣 證實與氣喘有關 | 環境資訊中心

柴油卡車排放之廢氣 證實與氣喘有關


紐約大學17日發表一份為期5年的追蹤報告,研究報告中顯示,柴油卡車所排放的微粒物質為紐約南布隆克斯區(South Bronx)孩童氣喘高度好發率的主因。研究發現,在交通繁忙的日子裡,為數可觀的國小學童上學途中接近卡車行經的路徑,此時在眾多氣喘的症狀中,孩童哮喘發作的機率為平常的兩倍。

Diesel Truck Soot Linked to Asthma
NEW YORK, New York, October 17, 2006 (ENS)
Fine particulate matter from the exhaust of diesel trucks is a major contributor to the high rates of asthma in children in the South Bronx, according to a five-year study released Monday by New York University. The study found that asthma symptoms, particularly wheezing, doubled among elementary school children on high traffic days, as large numbers attend schools in close proximity to busy truck routes.