U2、北極猴子、電台司令、酷玩樂團、天王老子等知名樂團為了響應「藝人地球慈善計劃」,與樂士浮生錄(Buena Vista Social Club)的樂手們攜手共同創作一張專輯,所得收益將作為天災救濟金,以及氣候變遷意識的推廣。
藝人地球慈善的第一個計畫是《Rhythms del Mundo》專輯,將在11月13日發行,銷售所得將全部捐給藝人地球慈善計畫。透過音樂與藝術,該計畫期望達成溫室效應氣體排放量減低,使其減少到地球可以承受的狀態,並且避免生態系統及人們生活環境進一步惡化。
上述專輯的主要成員之一,夏威夷音樂人傑克‧強森(Jack Johnson)表示:「短期的好處是,冬天不需穿厚重的夾克;但是長期的壞處卻是,因為我們的後知後覺,可能產生不再適合居住的環境。我們決定的任何事情都含有某種訊息,請購買盡力減低環境衝擊的工廠所生產的產品、盡全力支持可再生能源的使用,並且對你票選出來的政府官員施壓。」
電台司令主唱湯姆‧約克(Thom Yorke)提到:「政府是解除全球溫室效應緊急狀態的關鍵。我們需要新的法律,需要切身思考氣候變遷問題的政府,如果任由工業自由發展,狀況解除將不可能發生。」
2004年12月的印度洋大海嘯導致23萬人失蹤或死亡,這場災難催生了《Rhythms del Mundo》專輯計畫,藝人地球慈善計畫在其網站上表示,日舞影展就是這個計畫的誕生地。在日舞影展時,肯尼‧揚(Kenny Young)與柏曼兄弟(Berman Brothers)孕育了一個想法,希望能讓樂士浮生錄的樂手與西方的歌手合作,錄製用拉丁旋律改編的老歌。
所有參與《Rhythms del Mundo》專輯計畫的歌手,都認同減少溫室效應氣體排放的急迫性,以抑止全球暖化。氣溫的持續上升已經導致了冰河融化、熱浪侵襲以及極端氣候狀況的增加。
A group of high profile bands ?U2, the Arctic Monkeys, Radiohead, Coldplay and Kaiser Chiefs - have collaborated with members of the Buena Vista Social Club to create a compilation album in support of the charity Artists Project Earth, APE, which funds natural disaster relief and climate change awareness.
APE's first music project, the album Rhythms del Mundo Cuba, will be released on November 13. For every album sold, money will be donated to Artists Project Earth. Through music and the arts, Artists Project Earth aims to achieve permanent reductions in greenhouse gas emissions; reducing them to levels which can be sustained, and which result in no further degradation of ecological systems and human livelihood.
APE recruits internationally known musicians and artists through albums, concerts, art exhibitions and art related projects to raise awareness of climate change and funds for campaigns and disaster relief.
Hawaiian musician Jack Johnson, also featured on the album, said, "Short term upside - less jackets in the winter. Long term downside - a potentially uninhabitable environment due to our lack of awareness. Every choice that we make as consumers sends a message. Buy from companies that are making a real effort to lessen their environmental impact. Support renewable energy whenever possible and put the pressure on your elected government officials to do the same."
Government is a key to solving the urgent issue of global warming, says Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke. "We need a law, we need to have the government put climate change in its place," he said. If you leave industry to sort it out on a voluntary basis, that’s never going to happen."
The Indian Ocean tsunami of December 2004 that left nearly 230,000 people dead and missing was the catalyst for the Rhythms del Mundo project, and APE says on its website that the Sundance Film Festival was the project's birthplace.
There, Kenny Young and the Berman Brothers hatched an idea to bring together members of the Buena Vista Social Club in a collaboration with Western artists to record popular familiar songs, fusing them with Latin rhythms.
All the musicians associated with the Rhythms del Mundo project recognize the urgency of lowering greenhouse gas emissions now to limit global warming, which is already being felt in melting glaciers, heat waves and an increase in extreme weather events.
Visit www.apeuk.org and the album's official site http://www.rhythmsdelmundo.com whereclips of the songs are offered.