此保護令是由厄瓜多即將卸職的帕拉吉歐總統(Alfredo Palacio)所發布的,目的在保護厄瓜多遺世獨居的最後兩個原住民部族──卡加利族(Tagaeri)與塔羅美蘭族(Taromenane)。這兩個部族以巨矛武器為象徵,是公認地球上最凶狠的部族之一,兩部族間有過一段血跡斑斑的對抗史,而與石油公司員工、伐木者與殖民者等外來入侵者之間,也不伐血淋淋的鬥爭。
厄瓜多總統令所劃定的保護區面積比美國德拉瓦週還大,號稱「無形區域」(Intangible Zone)。位置座落在厄瓜多亞馬遜雨林區核心地帶,與葉蘇尼國家公園南區相重疊。不過,現在該國家公園是開放石油開採的。
To protect indigenous groups who voluntarily isolate themselves from the modern world, the Ecuadorian government has declared a two million acre zone in an oil-rich region of the Amazon off limits to oil development and logging.
The Presidential Decree signed last week by outgoing President Alfredo Palacio is intended to protect the core territory of the last two groups of indigenous peoples in Ecuador known to live in isolation.
Both the Tagaeri and Taromenane are renowned for their giant spears and regarded as among the fiercest tribes on Earth. There is a bloody history of encounters between these two groups and invading oil company workers, loggers, and colonists.
The Presidential Decree defines the boundaries of the so-called Intangible Zone, an area larger than the state of Delaware. Located in the heart of the Ecuadorian Amazon, the Intangible Zone overlaps the southern part of Yasuni National Park, which despite its park status is open to oil development.
The Yasuni National Park region is widely recognized by scientists as one of the most biodiverse on Earth.