30多年無鳥類絕種 伊拉克野鳥保育成果首次披露 | 環境資訊中心

30多年無鳥類絕種 伊拉克野鳥保育成果首次披露


埃及聖鹮 : 照片來源: Nature Iraq/CIMI/BirdLife隨著阿拉伯語版的《伊拉克野鳥圖鑑指南》出版,野生生物保育行動25日在伊拉克揭起序幕,雖然伊拉克境內各地衝突仍持續不斷,但這獨一無二的野鳥指南也顯示出,自1970年代進行了最後評估以來,美索不達米亞的溼地中沒有任何鳥類絕種。

該指南是阿拉伯語國家第一本最全面性且說明完整的田野指南,也是伊拉克第一本有此種類別的田野指南,其中記錄了涵蓋387種伊拉克鳥類。而這本指南是由國際鳥類保護聯盟(BirdLife International)以及最近新成立的保育組織伊拉克自然保護聯盟(Nature Iraq)所共同出版的。

伊拉克自然保護聯盟的杜華布博士(Dr. Ali Douabul)表示:「對伊拉克這個20年來對野生生物已漠視許久的國家而言,這本指南為該國方興未艾的保育行動開啟了大門,因為當地語言的田野指南對於保育行動來說,是相當重要的工具。」

First Field Guide to Birds of Iraq Shows No Extinctions
BAGHDAD, Iraq, January 26, 2007 (ENS)

The wildlife conservation movement that has started to emerge in Iraq took off today with the publication of "Field Guide to the Birds of Iraq" in Arabic. Despite ongoing conflict across the country, the unique guide shows that no species has gone extinct in the Mesopotamian marshes since the last assessments were conducted in the 1970s.

Covering the 387 bird species that have been recorded in Iraq, the book is the first comprehensive, fully illustrated field guide to the birds of an Arabic speaking country and first field guide of its kind for Iraq.
The book is published by BirdLife International and Nature Iraq, a newly formed conservation organization.

"For Iraq, a nation that has lost so much of its wildlife in the last twenty years, this book opens the door for the growing conservation movement in this country." said Dr. Ali Douabul of Nature Iraq. "Local language field guides are crucial tools for conservation."

全文及圖片詳見 ENS報導


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.