Mountain glaciers around the world are melting more and more quickly, according to new data issued today that confirms the trend in accelerated ice loss over the past 25 years. Preliminary figures for 2005 show an average thinning of the ice on the majority of the world's glaciated mountain ranges of two-thirds of a meter (26 inches).
The data on glacier change for 2005 was collected from 80 glaciers by scientists all over the world and reported to the World Glacier Monitoring Service, WGMS, in Zurich.
Since 1980, scientists have recorded continuous measurements of overall ice thickness change on 30 of these glaciers in nine mountain ranges, so these are considered to be the reference glaciers. The scientists report that since 1980 the average thickness loss of the 30 reference glaciers amounts to about 10.56 meters (34 feet).
Human activities over the past 250 years have emitted carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, where they trap solar radiation close to the planet, raising the global temperature.
The long-term monitoring of glacier mass produces one of the most essential variables required for the regular assessment reports on global climate monitoring.
The average annual ice loss for the reference glaciers since the year 2000 was about two-thirds of meter each year.
This amount of ice loss is 1.6 times more than the average of the 1990s and three times the loss rate of the 1980s.
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