雅加達水患 肇因過度開發 集水區流失 | 環境資訊中心

雅加達水患 肇因過度開發 集水區流失


雅加達水患,居民流離失所 照片來源:  Charles日前,印尼首都雅加達因連日暴雨,有將近60%的面積被洪水淹沒,數條河流氾濫。政府當局表示,有50個民眾不幸溺斃,51萬2170人在這次嚴重的洪水災害中無家可歸,預計將影響雅加達及鄰近地區長達5年。

印尼環境部長維托勒(Rachmat Witoelar)表示,這次雅加達洪水的主要原因,是由於大量建築物的興建造成了集水區域的流失。他還說:「首都裡大型購物中心太多了。」維托勒向印尼官方通訊社Antara新聞說,很多開發公司不太關注建築物對環境的衝擊,而且魯莽地將建物建在集水區域。他表示:「不注重保育森林也會加深洪水的影響,民眾應停止砍伐森林,以減緩近年來每年發生的洪水災害。」


印尼紅十字會總祕書長蘇坎達(Iyang Sukandar)指出,「我們擔心如果豪雨持續,會有更多的傷亡人數,及具威脅性的洪水發生,我們同時也擔心不衛生的環境會造成疾病傳播,像是痢疾和腹瀉。」

Environmental Recklessness Blamed for Jakarta Floods
JAKARTA, Indonesia, February 12, 2007 (ENS)

About 60 percent of the Indonesian capital Jakarta is flooded following days of torrential rains, which caused several rivers to overflow. Authorities say 50 people have died and 512,170 have been made homeless in the worst floods to hit Jakarta and surrounding areas in five years.

Environment Minister Rachmat Witoelar said the main reason for the flooding of Jakarta was the elimination of water catchment areas following the construction of large numbers of buildings. "There are too many malls in the capital city," the minister said of the shopping centers that have sprung up across Jakarta.

The minister told the Antara news agency that many developers have not paid enough attention to the ecological impact of their projects and have contructed buildings "recklessly" in water catchment areas.

"Low awareness of the importance of conserving forests," also contributed to the flooding, said Witoelar, adding that people should "help stop deforestation to reduce floods" which occur nearly every year.

The government and communities are now starting to clean up the mud and waste from areas where floods have receded. In many areas, people have dumped damaged furniture, household items and clothes beside the roads.

Hundreds of people are still thought to be trapped in their homes, while electricity and water supplies remain cut off in many parts of the city. Telecommunications are disrupted in some areas, while transportation to most places is cut off, with major rail lines and several roads closed.

"We're worried that the number of fatalities will rise since the heavy rains are expected to continue, threatening more floods," says Iyang Sukandar, the secretary general of the Indonesian Red Cross. “We're also worried about the spread of diseases, like diarrhea and dysentery because of the unsanitary conditions.”

全文及圖片詳見 ENS報導




蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.