玻利維亞洪水氾濫 爆發出血熱疫情 | 環境資訊中心

玻利維亞洪水氾濫 爆發出血熱疫情


玻利維亞水患難民住在捐贈的帳棚裡(圖片來源:UNICEF)2006年12月開始,南美玻利維亞爆發致命的出血熱(hemorrhagic fever),此疫情受到聖嬰現象的影響而持續擴散。聖嬰帶來的嚴重降雨造成玻國主要河川滿漲,有51人死亡,6人失蹤,超過40萬人受到疫情感染。

據衛生部副部長諾葛斯(Juan Alberto Nogales)表示,貝尼省(Beni)瑪木亞縣(Mamuja)因為疫情爆發已實施隔離措施。諾葛斯告訴當地報紙,大約兩週前一位獸醫系學生和其他兩人發現一個鼠窩,並不知為何用刀殺了老鼠。隨後不久,這3人使用同一把刀摘取樹上的檸檬,榨汁飲用,但是事前刀子沒有妥善清潔。副部長表示,其中兩人因為發熱性疾病而死亡,而第三位生還者則說出了整件事。


Hemorrhagic Fever Breaks Out in Flood-Ravaged Bolivia
LA PAZ, Bolivia, March 15, 2007 (ENS)

Deadly hemorrhagic fever has broken out in Bolivia, which continues to be severely affected by extreme El Nino weather conditions. Heavy rains beginning in December 2006 and continuing have caused major rivers to overflow, leaving 51 people dead and six people missing. Over 400,000 people have been affected.

The Mamuja community in Beni Province has been quarantined because of an outbreak of hemorrhagic fever, according to Dr. Juan Alberto Nogales, local Health Vice-minister. Dr. Nogales told "Los Tiempos" newspaper that two weeks ago, three people, a veterinary student and two others, found a mouse nest, and for unknown reasons they killed the mice with a knife. Soon afterwards, these three people used the same knife, without properly cleaning it, to cut lemons from a tree, and they drank the juice from those lemons. The health officer said that two of these people died because of this febrile illness, and the surviving third one lived to tell the story.

The disease, caused by the Machupo virus, is spread by the Calomys callosus mouse, particularly by the rodent's urine. The incubation period for Bolivian hemorrhagic fever in humans is 14 days on average, and the case mortality rates reported are between five to 30 percent. Elsewhere in the country, there is ongoing high risk for epidemic outbreaks because of floods caused by the El Nino weather phenomenon. Health authorities have intensified actions to control dengue fever, yellow fever, malaria, and hantaviruses, as well as hemorrhagic fever.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.