為防黃石公園野牛染病毒 美眾議院為捕殺政策爭辯 | 環境資訊中心

為防黃石公園野牛染病毒 美眾議院為捕殺政策爭辯


黃石公園野牛(圖片來源: FWS)美國眾議院委員會20日舉行的聽證會,掌控著黃石公園野牛群的命運。其中最令人情緒激動又惹爭議的焦點,就是允准聯邦及州立官員捕殺野牛的管理計劃,用意是為了保護牛隻避開布氏桿菌病(brucellosis)的危害。

蒙大拿州長Brian Schweitzer提議在國家公園北方30至50英里處建立緩衝區,而區內所有的牛隻都必須接受病毒檢測。若檢體呈現陽性反應,則當局可保留撲殺的權力。不過,主持該計劃的聯邦官員卻反對這個構想。州代表Dennis Rehberg主張,聯邦官員應積極介入管理野牛群;由於園內過度放牧,野牛才會在冬季牧移,而最好的解決辦法就是接種疫苗。然而,其他代表認為,捕殺和接種都無濟於事,因為現在還沒有能讓野牛有效防疫的疫苗。當議題討論到帶原野牛危害家畜的風險時,辯論過程同樣陷入混亂。

美國人道協會主席Wayne Pacelle指出,「所有事情的癥結出自布氏桿菌病,不過卻被相繼誇大、謬傳。這同時也關係到野牛的分佈範圍,是個土地利用的議題」。Pacelle與其他在場的保育人士皆贊同買斷牧地與緩衝區的構想,並且敦促立法者找出合適的管理解決方法。

Yellowstone Bison Controversy Thunders On
WASHINGTON, DC, March 21, 2007 (ENS)

The fate of the Yellowstone bison herd took center stage at a House committee hearing on Tuesday, with emotions running high over a controversial management plan that allows federal and state officials to kill bison in order to protect cattle from the disease brucellosis.

Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer proposed creating a buffer zone 30 to 50 miles north of the park, where all cattle would be tested for the disease. If there were positive tests, the state would still not lose its status, he said. But the federal official in charge of the program rejected that idea. Federal officials should more actively manage the bison herd, Representative Dennis Rehberg said, calling for vaccinations and arguing that the winter migration is because of overgrazing in the park. But others said that rounding up and vaccinating the herd was impractical, noting that there is not an effective vaccine for bison. The issue is also clouded by a dispute about the extent of the risk to cattle from bison that carry brucellosis.

"The whole rationale here is brucellosis," president of the Humane Society of the United States Wayne Pacelle added. "This whole thing has been an exaggeration, it is a canard. This is a land use issue and it is concern about bison extending their range. " Pacelle and other conservationists at the hearing expressed support for both the buyout and for the concept of a buffer zone, and urged lawmakers to find a solution to the management issue.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.