研究顯示電子束可摧毀空氣污染物質 | 環境資訊中心



北安普敦社區大學研究發現低能量的電子束可摧毀VOC(照片來源:NCC)賓州小型企業可從15萬美元的州預算中獲取經費,以採用可減少空氣污染的電子束(electron beam)技術。

賓州州長雷恩德(Ed Rendell)22日表示,州政府撥出經費給北安普敦社區大學的電子技術應用中心,讓他們實地測試電子束在工廠環境中的應用性。




Tests Show Electron Beam Can Destroy Air Pollutants
HARRISBURG, Pennsylvania, March 22, 2007 (ENS)

Small manufacturers in Pennsylvania are expected to benefit from a $150,000 state grant to implement new electron beam technology that will reduce air pollution.

Governor Ed Rendell today awarded the funds to the Electrotechnology Application Center at Northampton Community College in Bethlehem, to test the applicability of electron beams in actual factory environments.

Lab tests show electron beam technology can destroy many volatile organic compounds, VOCs, and do so using less energy than other methods. Volatile organic compounds are precursors to the formation of ground level ozone which can cause breathing difficulties for people with existing conditions such as asthma, and can exacerbate other health problems.

The grant is administered by the Department of Environmental Protection and it will fund demonstrations of state-of-the-art technologies using electron beams to reduce emissions of VOCs that are used in heating, drying, coating and curing processes. Controlling these emissions is particularly important to companies using paints and other coatings on manufactured products.

The Electrotechnology Application Center is the only nonprofit organization in Pennsylvania that has an operating mission to help small businesses reduce VOC emissions to comply with federal and state government air quality standards.

全文及圖片詳見 ENS報導


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.