歐盟立新法 管理水災風險 | 環境資訊中心

歐盟立新法 管理水災風險


2002年8月,德國德勒斯登遭遇百年一遇大洪水。當時連續一週的豪雨造成八個國家飽受水患之苦(攝影Stefan Malsch)氣候變遷恐將帶來更豐沛雨量和海平面上升,水災危機將隨而升高。歐洲議會和歐盟理事主席上週達成共識,制定新法管理水災風險又再向前一步。




European Floods Legislation Attempts to Manage Risks
BRUSSELS, Belgium, April 28, 2007 (ENS)

2004年8月,英格蘭東北部氾濫的River Wear(攝影Ian Britton,來源FreeFoto)A law to manage flood risks across Europe is one step closer to being passed after an agreement was reached this week between the European Parliament and the EU Council of Ministers. Climate change is expected to lead to more intense rainfall and to a rise in sea levels. As a consequence, floods risks are likely to increase across Europe.

The European Parliament Wednesday adopted a set of compromise amendments that were agreed with the Council of Ministers on the assessment and management of flood risks. The harmonized approach to flood risk management was negotiated under the German EU Presidency, which is in place from January 1 to June 30, 2007. Environmental groups criticized the European Parliament for failing to implement the sustainable management of floods, saying the compromise stopped short of promoting an approach that works with natural defenses like wetlands, floodplains and riverbank woodlands.

Although floods are a natural phenomenon, and cannot be entirely prevented, a coherent, long-term strategy for flood risk management can reverse the trend towards increased damage from floods, said the Commission, the executive branch of the EU government.

The new law will require the 27 EU member states to identify the river basins and associated coastal areas that are subject to flood risk. They must draw up flood risk maps and management plans for those zones.

The directive adopted by the EU Parliament on flood risk management requires that national governments take three steps - a preliminary evaluation of flood risks and the identification of risk areas by the end of 2011, the mapping of hazards and risks in these areas by the end of 2013 and, based on this, the elaboration of plans of measures for reducing flood risks by the end of 2015.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.