溫室氣體減排 柯林頓提經費翻修老舊建築 | 環境資訊中心

溫室氣體減排 柯林頓提經費翻修老舊建築


柯林頓提供基金對抗全球暖化(圖片來源:JFK Presidential Library)美國前總統柯林頓16日宣佈一項計畫,藉由翻修現有建築,節省能源,減少溫室效應氣體排放,這項創舉預計花費50億美元來對抗全球暖化。柯林頓在紐約進行的城市氣候高峰會中,向來自世界各地與會的市長發佈這項計畫。



都市地區能源的使用量及溫室氣體排放量大概佔全世界的75% 。大樓溫室氣體排放量大概佔了全球將近40%。在較古老的城市如紐約和倫敦應該更高。「能源效率建築重整計畫」將會提供城市和私人大樓的擁有者必要的經費,以更節省能源的產品來整修現有的大樓,預計將會省下20%-50%的能源。

倫敦市長,也是高峰會主席李文斯頓(Ken Livingstone)表示,柯林頓的氣候提案與高峰會的夥伴關係令他感到相當振奮。倫敦市長說:「已經有15個城市簽署協定,我有信心會有更多城市加入。在各國政府仍掙扎著是否該同意對全球暖化有所行動時,製造全球約四分之三溫室效應氣體的城市,今天在對阻止災難性的氣候變遷的行動上,展現了領導的能力和果斷的一面。」 

Clinton Unveils $5 Billion Green Makeover for Cities
NEW YORK, New York, May 16, 2007 (ENS)

Former President Bill Clinton today announced the creation of a $5 billion global effort to fight global warming by retrofitting existing buildings with more energy efficient products, thereby reducing the emission of greenhouse gases. Clinton announced the program to mayors from around the world at the C40 Large Cities Climate Summit now underway in New York.

"Climate change is a global problem that requires local action," said Clinton. "The businesses, banks and cities partnering with my foundation are addressing the issue of global warming because it's the right thing to do, but also because it's good for their bottom line."

"They're going to save money, make money, create jobs and have a tremendous collective impact on climate change all at once," he said.

Urban areas are responsible for approximately 75 percent of all energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in the world. Buildings account for nearly 40 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, and in older cities such as New York and London this figure is much higher. The Energy Efficiency Building Retrofit Program will provide both cities and their private building owners with access to the necessary funds to retrofit existing buildings with more energy efficient products, which is exptected to produce energy savings of between 20 and 50 percent.

Mayor of London Ken Livingstone, Chair of the C40, said he is encouraged by this first outcome of the C40's partnership with the Clinton Climate Initiative. "Fifteen cities have already signed up to take advantage of this initiative and I am confident many more will follow," the London mayor said. "National governments still struggle to agree a way forward on global warming, but cities, which are responsible for around three quarters of global greenhouse gas emissions, are today demonstrating the leadership and decisive action necessary to prevent catastrophic climate change."