世界八大工業國6月將在德國召開高峰會,而在說明歐盟政策的準備會上歐盟執委會主席巴羅佐(Jose Barroso)向國際群眾表示,歐洲聯盟已將能源及氣候變遷的挑戰至於其內部議程的最高優先事項。
這個由法國國際關係研究機構(Institut français des relations internationales, IFRI)所贊助發起的公開說明會昨天在布魯塞爾舉行,該機構是法國一個獨立的國際關係研究中心,主要著重於全球政治事務之政策取向的研究與分析。
The European Union has put the inter-linked challenges of energy and climate change at the very top of its agenda, European Commission President Jose Barroso told an international audience gathered to consider European policy in preparation for the G8 Summit in Germany in June.
Held Thursday in Brussels, the public conversation with President Barroso was sponsored by the French Institute of International Relations - Institut français des relations internationales, IFRI - France's independent international relations center which conducts policy-oriented research and analysis of global political affairs.
"I am not saying action to fight climate change is free. It has costs," the President said. "What I am saying is that the cost of action, of taking out a collective insurance policy, is small compared to the risks we face." And, he reiterated, "the longer we wait the higher the price we will have to pay."
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