布希將在G8發表聲明 提議制定減量目標 | 環境資訊中心

布希將在G8發表聲明 提議制定減量目標

摘譯自2007年5月31日ENS美國,華府報導;Nina L.編譯;莫聞審校

美國總統布希發表其對抗全球暖化的計畫。(照片來源:U.S. Global Leadership Campaign)布希總統5月31日表示,在2012年京都議定書終止時,美國將建立關於溫室氣體排放減量的新架構。他的計畫聲明將在6日開始於德國舉行的G8會議中提出,而他也會針對目前製造最多溫室氣體的國家,包括中國及印度,舉行一系列的會議研商。






布希與其行政官員把核能當作是「乾淨、安全」的能源,不過許多問題依舊存在。譬如,在伊利諾州的艾瑟隆(Exelon Braidwood)核電廠,釋放出放射性氚氣進入電廠附近的地下水層。


G8: Bush Proposes Talks on Voluntary Global Goal for Greenhouse Gases
WASHINGTON, DC, May 31, 2007 (ENS)

President George W. Bush today said the United States wants to establish a new framework on greenhouse gas emissions for when the Kyoto Protocol expires in 2012. Outlining his plans for the G8 Summit next week in Germany, the President said he will propose a series of meetings with nations that produce the most emissions, including India and China.

"By the end of next year, America and other nations will set a long-term global goal for reducing greenhouse gases," Bush told a meeting of the United States Global Leadership Campaign, a coalition of more than 400 corporate, humanitarian and development member organizations.

In addition to this long-term global goal, "each country would establish midterm national targets," Bush said, as well as and programs that reflect its individual mix of energy sources and future energy needs.
A "strong and transparent system for measuring each country's performance," would be established, Bush said.

Critics were quick to point out that the international community is already moving towards a post-Kyoto agreement for mandatory emissions reductions under the auspices of the United Nations and does not need this parallel process to discuss voluntary global warming emissions-cutting goals.

Reiterating that his administration has spent more than $12 billion in research on clean energy technology, Bush once again emphasized his intention to promote clean coal and nuclear technology.
While President Bush and administration officials invariably refer to nuclear power as "clean, safe nuclear power" many problems still exist. The Exelon Braidwood Nuclear Facility in Illinois, for instance, has released radioactive tritium into the groundwater surrounding the power plant.

Critics say that while nuclear power plants may not emit greenhouse gases directly because no fossil fuels are burned to generate power, there is still no good solution to the radioactive waste generated by nuclear plants and they are potential terrorist targets.
