可口可樂捐6億 補償生產線上的水資源消耗 | 環境資訊中心

可口可樂捐6億 補償生產線上的水資源消耗


2007年4月,抗議者亟欲說服美國各大學院校勿再與可口可樂公司簽訂新的契約 :: 照片來源:ENS一個全球性的環保組織「世界自然基金會」(WWF)與可口可樂公司於5日宣佈,雙方將攜手投入一項世界性的創舉,由可口可樂這個飲料業界的巨人進行保育水資源的工作,藉此補償其生產飲料的用水量。


在 5日於北京與舉行的WWF年度會議中,可口可樂保證將率領其全球的營運體系,包括其經銷裝瓶廠,補償其在生產飲料及其他商品的用水量。

可口可樂將在此保育行動中撥出2000萬美元(約6.6億台幣)給WWF,而WWF將利用此款項對7個淡水河系進行保育的工作,並協助可口可樂在營運與全球供應鏈上提升水資源的管理效能,以減少該公司的碳足跡(carbon footprint)。


WWF and Coca-Cola Embark on Water Conservation Initiative
BEIJING, China, June 5, 2007 (ENS)

The global conservation organization WWF and The Coca-Cola Company today announced collaboration on a new worldwide initiative by the beverage giant to conserve water resources and replace the water used to produce its drinks.

The Coca-Cola Company has been the target of a vigorous campaign in India, where communities near some of its bottling plants complain that the beverage company depletes and pollutes their water supplies.

Today at the WWF annual conferece in Beijing, the company pledged to lead its global beverage operations, including those of its franchise bottlers, to replace the water used in the company's beverages and their production.

As part of the initiative, the company has committed US$20 million to WWF. With the funding, the nongovernmental organization will work to conserve seven freshwater river basins, support more efficient water management in Coca-Cola's operations and global supply chain, and reduce the company's carbon footprint.

In 2006, company and its franchised bottlers used some 290 billion liters of water for beverages and their production. Coca-Cola produces more than 100 brands of beverages, including Sprite, Barq, Dasani and Fanta.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.