美國能源部於3日宣布,巴特爾能源聯盟(Battelle Energy Alliance)因違反能源部的核能安全規定,將受罰12萬3750美元。
巴特爾能源聯盟為美國能源部於愛達荷州營運處,專責中子輻射攝影術(Neutron Radiography),也就是愛達荷州國家實驗研究中心核子反應爐的主要單位。
中子輻射攝影反應爐的功能,為檢驗輻射物質。利用熱中子(thermal neutrons)的此種顯像科技,使用於品質控管,尤針對精密儀器有特別需求的工廠。
美國能源部於3日致信巴特爾聯盟總裁暨國家實驗研究中心主任葛羅森巴赫(John Grossenbacher),表示能源部對於法令執行處與健康暨安全處有監督的責任,同時能源部對2006年8月20日即啟用的中子輻射攝影反應爐目前運作仍未步上軌道表達關切,此外在未研擬關閉此反應爐之前,也擔憂此情形持續的可能。
The U.S. Department of Energy, DOE, Monday notified Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC that it will fine the company $123,750 for violations of the department’s nuclear safety requirements.
Battelle Energy Alliance is the DOE Idaho Operations Office prime contractor for the operation of the Neutron Radiography, NRAD, reactor at the Idaho National Laboratory.
The Neutron Radiography Reactor is used to examine irradiated materials. The imaging technique utilizes thermal neutrons and is used for quality control in industries which require precision machining.
Violations include failures to adhere to technical safety requirements and reactor operating instructions, inadequacies in the reactor operating instructions, failure to correct known problems with a reactor component, and failure to adequately conduct management assessments in reactor operations.
In a letter dated December 3 to Battelle President and Laboratory Director John Grossenbacher, the DOE official in charge of the Office of Enforcement and the Office of Health, Safety and Security says the agency is "concerned with the lack of formality with which the NRAD reactor was operated on August 20, 2006, and the extended duration of this condition prior to the unplanned shutdown of the reactor."
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