來自衣索匹亞的馬拉松世界記錄保持人葛伯賽雷斯(Haile Gebrselassie)宣佈,他將不會參加2008北京奧運的馬拉松比賽。葛伯賽雷斯苦於運動型氣喘,對於中國首都的空氣污染可能危及他的建康而感到擔憂。
醫療委員會的主席盧葛俾斯特(Arne Ljungqvist)說:「國際奧委會正與國際上的相關聯盟合作,以備必要時可以啟動替代方案的程序。這個程序包括每天監控會場的空氣品質和天氣狀況,這是由北京環保局向國際奧委會與相關運動聯盟的通報流程。而國際奧委會與相關運動聯盟在必要時會共同決定是否要延後賽事。」
World record marathoner Haile Gebrselassie of Ethiopia has announced that he will not participate in the marathon at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Gebrselassie, who suffers from exercise-related asthma, has expressed fears that the air pollution in the Chinese capital will threaten his health.
A new assessment of Beijing air quality released Monday by the International Olympic Committee's Medical Commission acknowledges for the first time that athletes such as Gebrselassie might have something to worry about.
The commission says some athletes may be at risk if they compete in outdoor endurance events in Beijing where the Games are set to begin on August 8.
For outdoor endurance events that include minimum one hour continuous physical efforts at high level - urban road cycling, mountain bike, marathon, marathon swimming, triathlon and road walk - the IOC Medical Commission findings indicated that "there may be some risk."
Medical Commission Chairman Arne Ljungqvist said the IOC will be working together with the relevant international federations in order to put in place procedures which will allow a "plan B" to be activated for such events if necessary.
"The procedure will include daily monitoring of air quality and weather conditions at the venue, a reporting process from the Beijing Environment Protection Bureau to the IOC and relevant sports federation, and a joint IOC-sports federation decision to postpone the event if necessary," he said.
He said that air quality could reduce the potential for world records and peak performances in all sports
"It may be that some events will not be conducted under optimal conditions - which is the reality of sports competitions - and that we may not see records broken in Beijing. However, the Games are more about competing in the Olympic spirit, than about breaking records," said Ljungqvist.
A study released last April by an international team of scientists says that controlling only local sources of air pollution in Beijing will not be sufficient to attain the air quality goal set for the Beijing Olympics.
Air quality in Beijing in the summer is dictated by meteorology and topography. Typically, the scientists explain in their report, temperatures are high, humidity is high, wind speeds are low, and the surrounding hills restrict venting of pollution. Regional pollutants like particulate matter and ozone build up over several days, usually until dispersed by wind or removed by rain.
"Our modeling suggests that emission sources far from Beijing exert a significant influence on Beijing air quality," the report concludes, adding, "There is an urgent need for regional air quality management studies and new emission control strategies to ensure that the air quality goals for 2008 are met."
To read the report, "Air quality during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games," click here.
For ENS past coverage of Beijing air pollution during the 2008 Olympics see: Regional Pollution Could Overwhelm Beijing's Clean Air Efforts http://www.ens-newswire.com/ens/apr2007/2007-04-13-04.asp