美國環境代表團於聯合國年度環境會議,在波茲南揭幕早晨的記者會之迴避及頑強表現,被共同參與此會議的國際環境運動350組織(350. org)及一群來自美國的青年人譴責。
代表即將卸任的布希總統政府的美國主導協調者,渥特森大使(Ambassador Harlan Watson),迴避記者提出有關美國是否該達到減低排放量目標之承諾或是對開發中國家投入資金以正視全球暖化等問題。
身為350組織共同發起人,同時也是美國青年人代表漢(Jamie Henn)表示,「這是件難堪的事,隨著歐巴馬的當選,我們向世界證明準備以行動付諸於環境變遷議題。然而這個不中用的代表團僅是換湯而不換藥。」
350組織的數字350顧名思義是指二氧化碳濃度上限ppm。由美國環保作家麥克基本(Bill McKibben)和一群來自世界各地的青年組織者所帶領的350組織,與超過100個以上的組織結盟,以促使一個符合350ppm排放量目標的強韌國際環境公約。
波蘭總理踏斯克(Donald Tusk)在會議揭幕時指出波茲南會議需要進展的緊迫性,並表示「科學家們皆認為暖化超過攝氏2度將會對所有生態系統及人類社會造成不可逆轉的改變。我們背負著預防可持久干擾人類與自然共生關係改變的責任」。
UNFCCC執行秘書德布爾(Yvo de Boer)在略為提及金融和經濟風暴及綠色和永續經濟成長的契機之餘,呼籲與會代表「加強專注氣候變遷政府如何成為自我籌資並將環境變遷政策與經濟復甦做聯繫。
The U.S. climate delegation's "sidestepping and recalcitrance" in a news conference on the opening morning of the United Nations annual climate conference in Poznan was denounced by the international climate campaign 350.org and a group of young people from the United States who are attending the meetings.
Lead U.S. negotiator, Ambassador Harlan Watson, representing the outgoing administration of President George W. Bush, dodged reporters' questions about whether or not the United States would commit to emissions targets or funding for developing countries to address global warming.
"It's an embarrassment," said Jamie Henn, 350.org co-founder and a U.S. youth delegate. "With the election of Barack Obama we showed the world we were ready to commit to real action on climate change. All this lame-duck delegation is offering is more of the same."
"Thanks in large part to the work of young people across the United States, President-elect Obama has committed the U.S. to 80 percent cuts in carbon by 2050," Henn said. "That's the type of serious action scientists are saying is necessary to stabilize atmospheric C02 at the safe upper limit of 350 parts per million."
The figure 350 in the organization's name is the safe upper limit of carbon dioxide, CO2, in the atmosphere in parts per million. Led by author Bill McKibben and a staff of young organizers from around the world, 350.org partners with more than 100 organizations to push for a strong international climate treaty that meets the 350 ppm target.
The two-week meeting, the 14th Conference of the 192 Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC, and the fourth meeting of the 183 Parties to the Kyoto Protocol, is the half-way mark in the negotiations on an ambitious and effective international response to climate change. The deal is to be clinched in Copenhagen at the end of 2009 and will take effect in 2013, the year after the first phase of the Kyoto Protocol expires.
Close to 11,000 participants, including government delegates from 186 Parties to the UNFCCC and representatives from business and industry, environmental organizations and research institutions, are attending the two-week gathering.
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, opening the meeting, pointed to the urgent need for progress at Poznan. "Scientists share the view that warming in excess of two degrees Celsius will result in irreversible changes to nearly all ecosystems and the human communities. We shoulder the responsibility to prevent changes that could lastingly disturb the symbiosis between humankind and nature," he said.
One of the key questions will be what kind of mechanisms need to be put in place to deliver on finance, technology and capacity building to help developing countries curb emissions, spur green growth and to cope with the inevitable impacts of climate change.
In 2007, Parties agreed to consider a greenhouse gas emission reduction range of minus 25 to minus 40 per cent over 1990 levels, a range which could be confirmed at Poznan.
Alluding to the financial and economic crisis and the opportunities of green and sustainable economic growth, de Boer, who is the UN's top climate change official, called on delegates to "increasingly focus on how the climate change regime could become self-financing and to link climate change policies to economic recovery."