西班牙團體:跨國養殖業是禽流感蔓延來源 而非野鳥 | 環境資訊中心

西班牙團體:跨國養殖業是禽流感蔓延來源 而非野鳥




GRAIN成員庫亞克(Devlin Kuyek)指出:「每個人都把候鳥、家庭後院養的雞視為問題焦點,但其實牠們並非禽流感的有效帶原者。牠們會死於禽流感病毒,卻不太可能傳播病毒。」


Report Blames Flu on Industrial Poultry Farms Not Backyard Birds
BARCELONA, Spain, February 27, 2006 (ENS)

Small-scale poultry farming and wild birds are being unfairly blamed for the bird flu crisis now affecting large parts of the world, according to a new report from an international nongovernmental organization based in Barcelona. The report says initiatives are multiplying to ban outdoor poultry, squeeze out small producers and restock farms with genetically modified chickens.

Instead, the transnational poultry industry is the root of the bird flu problem, says the report issued today by the organization GRAIN, which promotes the sustainable management and use of agricultural biodiversity based on people's control over genetic resources and local knowledge.

"Everyone is focused on migratory birds and backyard chickens as the problem," says Devlin Kuyek of GRAIN. "But they are not effective vectors of highly pathogenic bird flu. The virus kills them, but is unlikely to be spread by them."