G20淘汰化石燃料的目標原定在2020年以前達成,G20領導人於此次時再度加以重申。美國總統歐巴馬表示,他承諾會與國會共同合作推動淘汰對煤、石油,以及 天然氣產業每年超過30億美元的補貼稅額。根據白宮發表的聲明指出,淘汰對化石燃料的補貼將鼓勵節能,增進確保能源的安全使用額度,幫助政府達到財政預算目標,並且提供溫室氣體減排的具體投入作為。
這20位領導人對墨西哥總統卡德隆(Felipe Calderon)簡報的聯合國氣候變化公約協商進度表示感激,這場協商會議將於11月29日在墨西哥坎昆揭開序幕。
各國領導人也感謝衣索比亞的首相曾納威(Meles Zenawi)遞交給聯合國祕書處關於氣候變遷與融資的報告。此份由高層顧問小組於11月初公布的報告發現,去年在哥本哈根這些工業化國家承諾於每年募款1千億美元以幫助貧窮國家調適氣候變遷的目標「可行但是具有挑戰性」。
國際能源總署的執行主任坦那卡(Nobuo Tanaka)於9日在倫敦一場《世界能源總展望》(World Energy Outlook)最新版發表會上表示,「哥本哈根協議以及G20國家之間協議淘汰補貼,是重要的進展。但是,這些行動,距離我們邁向真正永續的能源系統這條坦途,仍然還有很長的一段路要走。」
At the Seoul G-20 Summit today, leaders of the world's 19 most industrialized nations and the EU said they have made "substantial progress" toward phasing out fossil fuel subsidies in the 14 months since their decision to do so at last year's G-20 Summit in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
The G-20 leaders re-affirmed their commitment to phase out fossil fuel subsidies in the medium term, by about 2020.
President Barack Obama said he is committed to working with Congress to phase out over $3 billion a year in preferential tax incentives for the coal, oil, and gas industries. Phasing out fossil fuel subsidies encourages energy conservation, improves energy security, helps meet budget goals and provides a critical down payment on our commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, according to a statement today from the White House.
A gradual multilateral removal of existing fossil fuel subsidies by 2020 could result in global greenhouse gas emissions dropping by 10 percent by 2050.
In Seoul, the 20 heads of state and government said in their final declaration that they would "rationalize and phase-out over the medium term inefficient fossil fuel subsidies; mitigate excessive fossil fuel price volatility; safeguard the global marine environment; and combat the challenges of global climate change."
The 20 leaders expressed their appreciation for Mexican President Felipe Calderon's briefing on the status of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change negotiations that open November 29 in Cancun.
They also thanked Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi for his briefing on the report of the High-Level Advisory Group on Climate Change Financing submitted to the UN Secretary-General. The Advisory Group's report, issued earlier this month, found that it was "feasible but challenging" for industrialized nations to meet their commitment last year in Copenhagen to raise $100 billion annual to help poorer countries cope with climate change.
Since then, the G-20 countries have put forward national strategies and timeframes to meet this commitment and are now working on identifying the resources needed to implement national strategies.
A number of countries have already made policy decisions in accordance with the G-20 commitment.
In Mexico, the government has begun phasing out motor fuel subsidies while conducting a household-level census of fuel consumption that will allow the government to implement a well-targeted support program to compensate low-income households.
In June 2010, India decontrolled gasoline prices and raised the prices for diesel, kerosene, and liquid petroleum gases (LPG). India also announced plans to phase out the remaining diesel subsidy in the medium term.
This year, both Russia and China initiated programs raising the price of natural gas paid by their domestic consumers.
The International Energy Agency, World Bank, and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development today submitted to G-20 leaders in Seoul a joint report updating their earlier analysis to reflect the new phase-out policies implemented this year.
The report found that substantial progress had been made, but that the value of fossil fuel consumption subsidies remained over $300 billion in 2009, a heavy burden on government finances that displaces important public investments, worsens balance of payments, leads to underinvestment in infrastructure, and contributes to energy shortages.
"The Copenhagen Accord and the agreement among G-20 countries to phase out subsidies are important steps forward. But, these moves still fall a very long way short of what is required to set us on the path to a truly sustainable energy system," said Nobuo Tanaka, executive director of the International Energy Agency Tuesday in London at the launch of the latest edition of the IEA's annual World Energy Outlook.
"Renewable energy can play a central role in reducing carbon-dioxide emissions and diversifying energy supplies, but only if strong and sustained support is made available," Tanaka said.
The G-20 leaders asked the international organizations to update their report and assess progress being made in advance of the G-20 Summit next year as a means of holding themselves accountable to their commitment to phase out fossil fuel subsidies.
The leaders also agreed to take concrete steps to make the world's physical oil markets more transparent and to continue to improve the regulation of financial oil derivative markets. These actions are expected to reduce the volatility of oil prices, benefiting both energy producers and consumers.
The G-20 is comprised of: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Republic of Korea, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States and the European Union.