環境荷爾蒙污染源更多樣 美國擬徹查134種物質 | 環境資訊中心

環境荷爾蒙污染源更多樣 美國擬徹查134種物質




「對於美國人民,尤其是對兒童,內分泌干擾物會嚴重影響健康。現今美國人比以往接觸更多化學物質。這些物質來自產品、來自環境及我們體內。環保署必須採取行動,收集資料並且防止危害發生。」美國環保署長傑克遜(EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson)說。



在紐約市東河附近的苯儲存槽。圖片節錄自: Shara Shisheboran相本。 苯(benzene)是已知的致癌物質,用於工業溶劑、生產藥品、塑料、合成橡膠和染料的製程。 過氯酸鹽(perchlorate)是用於製作煙火和火箭燃料,而乙二醇(ethylene glycol)則是做為汽車防凍液的有機化合物。

依據安全飲用水法案(Safe Drinking Water Act)的規範,這份名單上的化學物質已確定被列為優先名單,而且很可能出現在飲水水源中,也已有許多人喝進肚子了,環保署說。




這份名單還包括農藥有效成分,目前正在環保署登記審查程序(EPA's registration review program)評估中,以確保它們符合當前的科學標準和法規管理標準。


EPA Will Test 134 More Chemicals for Endocrine Disruption
WASHINGTON, DC, November 17, 2010 (ENS)

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has identified a list of 134 chemicals that will be screened for their potential to disrupt the endocrine system.

Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that interact with and possibly disrupt the hormones produced or secreted by the human or animal endocrine system, which regulates growth, metabolism and reproduction.

"Endocrine disruptors represent a serious health concern for the American people, especially children. Americans today are exposed to more chemicals in our products, our environment and our bodies than ever before, and it is essential that EPA takes every step to gather information and prevent risks," said EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson.

EPA is already screening an initial group of 67 pesticide chemicals. In October 2009, the agency issued orders to companies requiring endocrine disruptor screening program data for these chemicals.

The agency will begin issuing orders requiring data for the second group of 134 chemicals beginning in 2011.

The chemicals listed include those used in products such as solvents, gasoline, plastics, personal care products, pesticides, and pharmaceuticals.

On the list for testing is benzene, a known carcinogen used as an industrial solvent and in the production of drugs, plastics, synthetic rubber, and dyes.

Perchlorate, used in fireworks and rocket fuel, is on the list and so is ethylene glycol, an organic compound widely used as an automotive antifreeze.

The list includes chemicals that have been identified as priorities under the Safe Drinking Water Act and may be found in sources of drinking water where a substantial number of people may be exposed, the EPA said today.

The pharmaceutical chemicals to be screened include two of the best known and most widely used drugs in the United States - erythromycin and nitroglycerin.

Erythromycin is an antibiotic used to treat bronchitis; diphtheria; Legionnaires' disease; whooping cough; pneumonia; rheumatic fever; and venereal disease; as well as ear, intestine, lung, urinary tract, and skin infections.

Nitroglycerin spray and tablets are used to treat episodes of angina, or chest pain, in people who have coronary artery disease, narrowing of the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart.

The list also includes pesticide active ingredients that are being evaluated under EPA's registration review program to ensure they meet current scientific and regulatory standards.

The data generated from the screens will provide systematic scientific information to help EPA identify whether additional testing is necessary, or whether other steps are necessary to address potential endocrine disrupting chemicals.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.