參與京都議定書的各方代表,達成了制訂議定書規章(protocol rule book)的協議。加拿大環境部長、同時也是「聯合國氣候變化綱要公約」在蒙特婁的主席狄昂,與參與這次議定書的157個團體全體一致表示,京都議定書如今已能全面的運作,這將是歷史上重要的一步。
Climate Delegates Adopt Kyoto Protocol Rule Book
Parties to the Kyoto Protocol have adopted a set of decisions that complete the protocol rule book. "The Kyoto Protocol is now fully operational. This is an historic step," said Canadian Environment Minister Stéphane Dion, President of the Conference of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Montreal, which includes the first ever meeting of the 157 Parties to the Kyoto Protocol.