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七國政府簽署核融合協定 開發新能源


世界七國政府24日草簽一項「國際熱核實驗反應裝置」(ITER)研究協定世界七國政府24日草簽一項「國際熱核實驗反應裝置」(ITER,International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor)研究協定,鑑此,開發核融合發電作為新能源用途之計劃更趨實現。該計劃將試圖利用同樣讓太陽與其他星體發光的巨大能量;批評人士則認為ITER計劃不但不安全、還有損保育工作,甚至排擠再生能源發展的經費。



歐洲「地球之友協會」的能源議題負責人赫曼(Silva Hermann)指出:「核融合可能永遠都無法在經濟上或技術上實現。這雖然是個新技術,但已然是和現實相去近50年。其商業運轉目標不斷在變動,我們無法保證這目標能夠真正達成。」



華府反核團體「核子資訊及資源服務」(Nuclear Information and Resource Service)執行長麥里歐提(Michael Mariotte)指出:「ITER計劃中的核融合反應器是一個毫無能源回饋並大量浪費公帑的科學計劃。ITER計劃將動用億萬美元的公部門經費,排擠掉真正針對世界氣候變遷危機所採取的綠色能源方案。」

Seven Governments Sign Nuclear Fusion Agreement
BRUSSELS, Belgium, May 24, 2006 (ENS)

畫家筆下的核融合反應爐A project to demonstrate the potential of nuclear fusion as an energy source moved a step closer to realization today as the seven governments initialed an agreement on the research facility. Known as ITER, the project will attempt to harness the same type of energy which powers the Sun and other stars. Critics say ITER is unsafe, discourages conservation, and draws funds from renewable energy development.

This morning, ministers representing China, the European Union, India, Japan, South Korea, Russia and the United States of America met in the European Commission Berlaymont Building in Brussels to initial the agreement they have been negotiating over the past year. They have selected a site for the construction and operation of ITER at Cadarache in southern France.

Fusion has several attractions as an energy source - its basic fuels are abundant and available everywhere, and there are no greenhouse gas emissions. As compared to nuclear fission, universally used today to generate nuclear power, there is no transportation of radioactive materials, no possibility of meltdown or runaway reactions, no long-lasting radioactive waste to be passed on to future generations.

Silva Hermann, energy campaigner at Friends of the Earth Europe said, "Nuclear fusion may never be economically or technically practical. It is a new technique that has been a few decades away from reality for nearly 50 years. This goal of commercial viability has become a moving target and we have no guarantee that it will ever actually be reached."

ITER is an experimental reactor which will reproduce the physical reaction of fusing the nuclei of atoms that occurs in the Sun and stars. Existing experiments have shown that it is possible to replicate this process on Earth. ITER aims to do this at a scale and in conditions that will demonstrate the scientific and technological feasibility of fusion as a practical energy source.

ITER scientists explain that nuclear fusion is safe for workers and for the population surrounding the ITER facility in France's Cadarache forest. Still, critics are uneasy. Some say ITER will draw more power from the French electricity grid than it will produce. Others say it discourages conservation.

Michael Mariotte, executive director of the Nuclear Information and Resource Service based in Washington, DC, has said, "The ITER fusion reactor is a big-science boondoggle that has no energy payback. ITER will divert billions of dollars away from real green energy solutions to the world's climate change crisis."