這個以同心循環多種液體的新方法,是以明尼蘇達大學Martin Saar等人的研究為基礎。12月13日在舊金山舉辦的美國地球物理聯盟會議上,研究團隊發表了新地熱電廠設計的擴充版本,並以電腦動畫解釋能源技術如何解決氣候變遷問題。
Researchers are developing a new kind of geothermal power plant that will lock away unwanted carbon dioxide, CO2, underground – and use the greenhouse gas in liquid form as a tool to boost electric power generation 10-fold in geothermal power plants.
Teams of researchers at the University of Minnesota, Ohio State University and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory are collaborating on using CO2 in its liquid form as a supplemental fluid in geothermal power plants.
Typical geothermal power plants tap into hot water that is deep under ground, pull the heat off the hot water, use that heat to generate electricity, and then return the cooler water back to the deep subsurface. Here the water is partly replaced with CO2 or another fluid – or a combination of fluids that extract heat more efficiently than water alone.
This approach – using concentric rings that circulate multiple fluids – builds upon the idea to use CO2 originally developed by Martin Saar and others at the University of Minnesota, and can be at least twice as efficient as conventional geothermal approaches, computer simulations show.
At relatively low temperatures and pressures CO2 becomes “supercritical,” a phase in which it has the density of a liquid but flows as easily as a gas.
“CO2 would go supercritical during injection, after it gets about 800 meters deep,” says Saar. “It would stay supercritical underground.”
The CO2 would be injected into a sedimentary basin filled with impotable salty water and capped by a layer of impermeable rock. The supercritical CO2 would float on top of the brine and displace it as more CO2 was added. Its high mobility would allow it to rapidly transport the heat it picks up, through the hot geologic formation and up a production well to the surface. There, the release of its heat and pressure would drive a turbine to generate electricity.
The cooled and expanded CO2 would then be pumped back into the ground, along with fresh CO2 captured at the fossil fuel power plant, to repeat the cycle.
“As a result, no CO2 is released to the atmosphere, and, in fact, all of the CO2 is eventually, permanently stored underground,” explained Saar.
At the American Geophysical Union meeting on December 13 in San Francisco, the research team debuted an expanded version of the design, along with a computer animated movie to explain the role that energy technologies can have in addressing climate change.
The expanded power plant design resembles a cross between a typical geothermal power plant and the Large Hadron Collider: It features a series of concentric rings of horizontal wells deep underground.
Inside those rings, CO2, nitrogen and water circulate separately to draw heat from below ground up to the surface, where the heat can be used to turn turbines and generate electricity.
The underground geothermal formation could store hot, pressurized CO2 and nitrogen, and release the heat to the surface power plant when electricity demand is greatest.
The plant could also suspend heat extraction from the subsurface during times of low power demand, or when there is already a surplus of renewable power on the grid.
In computer simulations, a 10-mile-wide system of concentric rings of horizontal wells situated about three miles below ground produced as much as half a gigawatt of electrical power – an amount comparable to a medium-sized coal-fired power plant – and 10 times more than the 38 megawatts produced by the average geothermal plant in the United States.
The simulations also revealed that a plant of this design might sequester as much as 15 million tons of CO2 per year, which is roughly equivalent to the amount produced by three medium-sized coal-fired power plants in that time.
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