布萊爾生質燃料計畫 考慮不週恐破壞雨林 環團反對 | 環境資訊中心

布萊爾生質燃料計畫 考慮不週恐破壞雨林 環團反對


英國環保團體擔心紅毛猩猩的棲地將會被用來種植生質燃料作物。(照片來源:Greenpeace UK)英國最大的一些綠色組織於9日聯合發布廣告,抨擊他們稱為「破壞環境」的生質燃料。這些團體希望布萊爾政府改變於2008年要求生質燃料佔全英交通運輸燃料1%的提案,他們警告,政府冒險執行一個考慮不周全的生質燃料政策,反造成更多問題而非解決問題。


聯盟9日發表聲明說,政府此次提出的「公路運輸再生燃料法」(Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation),以其目前制定的法規,可能「破壞氣候與摧毀世界上僅存的某些雨林。」



British Green Groups take Aim at Blair Biofuels Plan
LONDON, UK, May 10, 2007 (ENS)

A coalition of some of Britain's biggest green groups Wednesday launched an advertising campaign attacking what they are calling "environmentally destructive biofuels." The groups want changes in the Blair Government's proposal requiring that biofuels make up a percentage of all UK transport fuels starting in 2008.

A coalition including Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and WWF, is warning that the government risks implementing a poorly thought out biofuels policy that creates more problems than it solves.

Their ads feature a fuel pump held to the head of an orangutan. "Tell the government to choose the right biofuel," it says, "or the orangutan gets it."

The government's proposal, known as the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation, RTFO, could, in its present form, "damage the climate and destroy some of the world's last remaining rainforests," the groups said in a statement Wednesday.

The RTFO means that by 2010, five percent of all transport fuel sold in the UK will come from a renewable source. The measure is predicted to save one million metric tons of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide each year by 2010.

The obligation does not differentiate between different renewable transport fuels. Obligated suppliers will be able to meet their obligation by supplying any combination of bioethanol, biodiesel, biogas and any other renewable road transport fuel.

But the coalition says the environmental costs would outweigh the benefits of the policy.

全文及圖片詳見 ENS報導