世界地球日 全球環保推廣活動大串連 | 環境資訊中心

世界地球日 全球環保推廣活動大串連


2013年9月8日,Mz. Blue藍鯨氣球首次出現在年度加州Redondo Beach藍鯨保育活動上(照片由大鯨魚保育協會提供)。4月22日世界地球日,全球共舉辦數千場環保推廣活動,邀請民眾一同種樹、保育森林,打造更乾淨、綠色的城市並保護野生動物。

「大鯨魚保育協會」在白宮前面放置了一只與真實藍鯨大小相同的藍鯨氣球「Mz. Blue」,呼籲歐巴馬幫助加州外海的藍鯨。經正式批准行駛的南加州沿海的商船轉運航道穿過藍鯨的覓食棲地,許多藍鯨被船隻撞擊而死亡。







在紐約市,野生動物保護協會的96隻大象「96 Elephants」活動以長96秒的小象玩耍影片慶祝地球日,欲傳達非洲每天都有96隻大象被盜獵殺害的情況。

同日,非政府組織「B Lab」發表第3屆「B Corp Best for the Environment」環境友善企業名單,表揚全球84間公司的正面環境影響。


Earth Day Inspires Environmental Actions Around the World
WASHINGTON, DC, April 22, 2014 (ENS)

Thousands of Earth Day actions today brought people together to plant trees and preserve forests, create cleaner, greener cities and safeguard wildlife.

A life-sized 90-foot-long inflatable blue whale named Mz. Blue made its appearance in front of the White House today to dramatize ocean advocates’ Earth Day request that President Barack Obama help blue whales off the coast of California.

The officially sanctioned commercial shipping transit lane along the Southern California coast cuts through critical blue whale feeding habitat. Ship strikes, collisions between the whales and the ships, result in many whale deaths.

The Great Whale Conservancy, owner of the inflatable whale, will submit a letter to The White House asking President Obama to direct the U.S. Navy to remove its objection to the use of an alternate shipping lane to reduce the killing of blue whales from ship strikes. The letter is signed by NGOs from around the world working to protect whales, and carries more than 120,000 signatures gathered from an on-line petition.

Today, the Cowboy Indian Alliance, a group of ranchers, farmers and tribal communities from along the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline route, rode into Washington, DC and set up camp on the National Mall near the White House to tell President Obama to reject the pipeline.

On April 26, thousands of people will join them to stand together to communicate their message that the Keystone XL pipeline and the tar sands must be rejected to protect this, and future generations.

These demonstrations are just two of thousands of events in which over one billion people in 192 countries will participate, according to the Earth Day Network.

Green Cities is the Earth Day Network theme this year and through Earth Day 2015.

Earth Day Network launched the Green Cities campaign in the fall of 2013 to help cities everywhere become more sustainable and reduce their carbon footprint through three key elements – buildings, energy, and transportation.

Other Earth Day Network events around the world include B the Hope for Haiti, a group teaching primary school students about recycling, composting, the importance of proper waste management and tree planting.

The University of Fiji will host its first Earth Day event to improve waste management on campus and help students learn about environmental responsibility.

Many Earth Day events throughout the world are focused on trees and forests.

In Western Canada, conservationists are calling on the British Columbia government to expand protection around MacMillan Provincial Park to fully encompass the forests above and adjacent to the world-famous Cathedral Grove.

Cathedral Grove is Canada’s most popular old-growth forest on Vancouver Island, visited by millions of tourists each year, but the company Island Timberlands has built a road through old-growth forests on Mt. Horne, the mountainside above Cathedral Grove, and could potentially begin logging of a new cutblock that could come as close as 300 meters from the park boundary.

In New York City, the Wildlife Conservation Society’s 96 Elephants campaign today released exactly 96 seconds of video footage of playful baby elephants to celebrate Earth Day – and to draw attention to the fact that 96 elephants are killed every day in Africa by poachers.

Today, 84 companies worldwide were recognized for creating the most positive environmental impact by the nonprofit B Lab with the release of the third annual “B Corp Best for the Environment” list.

On Earth Day and every day, U.S. Peace Corps volunteers lead grassroots efforts to protect and preserve the environment in the countries where they serve. Volunteers promote reforestation, build fuel-efficient cook stoves, enhance food security and institute environmental education programs.

※ 全文及圖片詳見:ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.