美國五大湖區環境策略 首重非點源污染清除 | 環境資訊中心

美國五大湖區環境策略 首重非點源污染清除


本週在芝加哥做出最後決議的「大湖區合作策略」,其價值高達200億美元,其重點將著重在非點源污染(nonpoint source)的清除。由於污染來源的複雜性,且在土壤、水源及空氣中到處都可看到它的蹤跡,使得要減少非點源污染更加困難,而現有的策略也無助於廣域河流或湖泊的復育工作。

編按:污染狀況依污染源特性可分為:點源污染(point source pollution)與非點源污染(nonpoint source pollution)。污染排放來自單一可鑑定的來源,如工廠或家庭的煙囪、排水溝、汽車排氣管等,稱為點源污染。而若污染物進入空氣、水或土壤後,因擴散而不易鑑定其來源,稱為非點源非點源污染,如都市雨水逕流

Nonpoint Source Pollution Cleanup Essential to Great Lakes Strategy
CHICAGO, Illinois, December 16, 2005 (ENS)
Actions to address nonpoint source pollution are high on the agenda in the final version of the $20 billion Great Lakes Regional Collaboration Strategy released earlier this week in Chicago. The complexity of the pollutants and their presence in soil, water and air make pollution abatement for nonpoint sources particularly difficult to address, and strategies to date have failed to deliver widespread stream and lake restoration.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.