美俄聯手 計劃管制全球濃縮鈾流向 | 環境資訊中心

美俄聯手 計劃管制全球濃縮鈾流向


俄羅斯總統普汀與美國總統布希先前已達成共識,未來將設立一套「濃縮鈾管制」的系統中心,除了供應核能發電廠所需核燃料之外,還可管制濃縮鈾的流向。這項共識於G8峰會召開前再往前邁向一步,15日在一場會前雙邊會談中,美俄領袖均同意未來將積極落實此項計畫,稱之為「全球核子夥伴關係計劃」(Global Nuclear Energy Partnership)。

Russian, U.S. Presidents Plan to Control Global Nuclear Fuel Enrichment
STRELNA, Russia, July 15, 2006 (ENS)
Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President George W. Bush have agreed to control the spread of uranium enrichment by creating one central enrichment system that will supply client countries with fuel for nuclear power plants. In a bilateral meeting before the opening of the Group of eight, G8, Summit today, the leaders agreed to move forward on the plan, known as the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership.