抗爭是值得的─有關環境保護的成功記事 | 環境資訊中心


ENS報導;施淑芬 編譯;蔡麗伶 審校

傑奇艾倫‧朱利安諾 博士












哈帕拉是有機種子培育者以及奧瑞岡州耕作研究與教育局長,他把採收的俄國紅甘藍倒入分離種子與殘留物的設備中(布來恩普瑞屈托 攝;美國農業局)。






黑猩猩被關在極小的牢籠中長達數十年 (美國人道協會 圖)




2000年12月9日,一個經常被孤立的猶他州改革主義團體,從鹽湖城猶他州議會大廈遊行到美國聯邦大廈,以抗議美國選舉團及不民主的選舉程序(強尼吉明 攝)




  • 經由各種新聞來源,持續知悉發生在世界上或社會中的事情。利用報紙得到概念,但一定也要自己做研究。有了網路後,這比以前簡單多了。
  • 決意真正要去在乎,然後再決定你要關心的是什麼。
  • 決定你要涉入多深。你願意寫封信或電子郵件嗎?你想參予積極抗議行動嗎?行動表達有很多不同的形式,每一項都重要。
  • 找出和你觀點相同的團體並加入組織。它們能提供你訊息且有助於擴大你的聲量。而你將不再感到孤立無援。
  • 抑制會使你想要遷就自己所認為的「正常」的衝動。冒險去做個你想做的人,一個會讓小孩子尊敬與感到驕傲的人。
  • 決定你希望如何地被人們回憶。
  • 重新定義有關權力、力量及安全保障的觀念。或許,對他人付出我們的一切所有,對同胞敞開我們的生命、而不築起越來越高的圍牆,我們真的可以從而獲得力量。
  • 永遠關心他人的痛苦,不論是人類或動物。將蝸牛移開人行道;幫助走失的狗;買個三明治給無家可歸的人。別視而不見。



  • Healing Our World: Weekly Comment
    By Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D.

    It Does Pay to Fight - 
    Environmental Success Stories 

    Flower in the crannied wall,
    I pluck you out of the crannies,
    I hold you here, root and all, in my hand,
    Little flower - but if I could understand
    What you are, root and all, and all in all,
    I should know what God and man is.
    -- Alfred, Lord Tennyson 

    Every day, millions of people stand up for what they believe in, demanding protection for the Earth's species and life support systems. Injustice abounds in our world, but more people than you think are willing to take on the long, often arduous, frustrating and demoralizing battles to protect our world.

    The well funded conservative opposition does its best to make opponents feel like they are wrong and going against the American way. The corporate controlled mainstream media does its best to represent these activists as loners and misfits. But these hard fought efforts by individuals and groups of all ages around the world do have an impact. They are changing the face of our culture.

    Just a few years ago, organic food was considered a fad. But thanks to the efforts of food activists who have exposed the dangers of pesticide poisoning, proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that pesticide residues remain on most produce, even after it is washed, the organic food industry is now a $6 billion a year business.

    J.J. Haapala, an organic seed grower and director of research and education for Oregon Tilth, pours harvested Red Russian kale into a device that separates the seed from debris. (Photo by Brian Prechtel courtesy USDA)

    Recently, the USDA released new organic food standards that will increase the confidence of organic food buyers everywhere. The new regulations ban the use of biotechnology and irradiation. Meat producers claiming to be organic cannot feed antibiotics to the cattle and organic dairy cows must have access to pasture. 

    There are currently more than 10,000 farms across the United States that use organic methods that must now comply with the new regulations. Activists successfully fought the efforts of the National Food Processors Association which wanted the USDA to label organic produce with a statement that such food is no better than other products.

    None of these protections would have come about if people had remained silent.

    Millions of people care deeply about how poorly animals are treated by mainstream culture. Activists have been fighting inhumane treatment for years, in spite of attempts by the media, politicians, and industry leaders to represent them as a few bleeding heart liberals or extremists. But the large number of people who are members of humane organizations demonstrates that a significant portion of the population puts compassion before profit. 

    An example of an animal who has been championed by many caring people is the chimpanzee. There may be no animal more abused by our culture. Chimpanzees are humans' closest living cousins. They have more than 98 percent of our genetic code. These intelligent, social beings have a distinct language amongst themselves as well as distinct cultures. Research has shown that they plan for the future, teach their young, use tools, and make moral choices. Chimpanzees in captivity have been taught American Sign Language, and they even pass their acquired language skills on to their children. 

    There are over 1,100 chimps in federally sponsored laboratories. For nearly every chimp that is used in research, five to 10 have been killed in the wild. Chimps for research are often caught as babies in African forests, chased up trees by dogs after their parents are murdered. After years of being research subjects under often deplorable conditions in laboratories, they are frequently doomed to live out the remainder of their lives in tiny cages. Chimps can live up 60 years.

    Legislation recently signed by President Bill Clinton directs the National Institutes of Health to work with humane groups to create sanctuaries for retired and surplus chimps and allocates funding for this purpose. This legislation would never have made it through Congress without the tireless work of many compassionate people and the support of thousands of concerned citizens who were brave enough to stand up for what is right.

    It is often difficult to stand up for compassion and truth. All around us are displays of values by the corporate controlled media that suggest only a few weak people care for other people and other life forms. We are constantly told that being independent and free of responsibility should be our ultimate goal, along with owning the most stuff. 

    Fear of being ridiculed and singled out keeps many of us silent. Many people are intimidated by the threat that they will be labeled a radical, different, or even unchristian. It takes a special kind of courage to withstand these labels from friends, coworkers, and even family.

    Everyone has the potential to become a champion for justice and compassion. You don't have to know everything about an issue, and you don't have to be fearless. All you need is practice connecting with your heart and trusting your gut reaction to what is right and what is wrong.

    • Keep informed about the happenings in your community and in the world through alternative news sources. Use the newspaper to get ideas, but always do your own research. With the Internet, it is easier than ever.
    • Decide that you are going to care and then decide what you care about.
    • Choose how far you want to go. Do you want to write letters and email? Do you want to take part in an active protest? There are many different forms of activist expression. All are important.
    • Find the groups and organizations that share your views and join them. They can provide you with information and can help magnify your voice. And you won't feel so alone anymore.
    • Resist the urge to fit in with what you perceive to be the norm. Take the risk of being who you want to be, someone that a child could look up to and be proud of.
    • Decide how you would like to be remembered.
    • Work to redefine the concepts of power and strength and security. Maybe we really get our strength from giving all that we have to another and opening up our lives to our neighbors instead of building higher and higher walls.
    • ALWAYS concern yourself with the suffering of another, whether human or animal. Move that snail off the sidewalk. Help that lost dog. Buy a sandwich for a homeless person. Don't look away.

    This new year marks the beginning of a challenging time for us all. The new conservative presidency in the U.S. has begun to turn back the clock, as every executive branch leader is being hand picked to promote the greed based conservative agenda. We must all find our voices and our hearts and protect what is left of our world. We must show those that would put profit and greed before life that such obscene priorities will not be tolerated. 

    What we choose to do every day has an incredible effect in our world. Choose with your heart and your soul. Don't be afraid - there's more of us out there than we can possibly imagine.


    1. 磨光你的行動技巧,異議網行動者手冊:http://protest.net/activists_handbook/

    2. 得知行動機會的真相:


    3. 運用你的錢、使它變成有力的工具。試試美國牢籠聯合抵制行動新聞:


    4. 隨時注意保守派致力於打消進步。由保守黨幹部會議製作的網站:


    5. 繼續關心有機食品運動:


    6. 持續追蹤企業的刻薄行為,監看企業網:


    7. 確定新行政體系沒有削弱環保機構的環境公義計劃:http://es.epa.gov/oeca/main/ej/index.html

    8. 過濾你的媒體獲取來源,參考「公正精確的報導」網頁:http://www.fair.org/

    9. 改變你的食物攝取以協助拯救地球:


    10. 找出誰是你的國會代表並且email給他們。要求他們持續強烈且努力地保護我們的健康,環境及動物基本權利。如果你知道你的郵遞區號,你就可在這網站找到他們:http://www.visi.com/juan/




    傑奇艾倫‧朱利安諾 博士是西雅圖的教師兼作家。他正在思考他那即將在新年出生的兒子、以及迎接他的是個什麼樣的世界。請將你的想法、評論與觀察寄到以下的信箱給他:mailto:jackie@healingourworld.com (link sends e-mail),或是造訪他的網頁如下:http://www.healingourworld.com

    全文與圖片詳見: http://www.ens.lycos.com/ens/jan2001/2001L-01-05g.html


    蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

    In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.