聯合國:戰火激烈 黎巴嫩南部人道救援行動受阻 | 環境資訊中心

聯合國:戰火激烈 黎巴嫩南部人道救援行動受阻


以黎戰火中的泰爾聯合國4日籌組一支聯合評估小組,前往黎巴嫩南部正處於戰火中的城市泰爾(Tyre)。自以色列對黎國部轟炸了超過3週以來,目前約有8萬5千民泰爾居民己逃離該市。聯合國發言人法齊(Ahmad Fawzi)4日在紐約總部表示,數以千計民眾己撒離位於南方的泰爾,而這座城市己儼然成為黎國南部人道救援的重點所在。


聯合國兒童基金會(UNICEF)緊急救難主管圖爾(Dan Toole)稍早前到中東地區視察時指出:「情勢真的好糟,而且還在迅速惡化。許多兒童和家庭都被拆散了。還有很多人得不到援助,許多人沒有食物吃,沒有水可以喝。」




Conflict Restricts Humanitarian Aid to Desperate Southern Lebanon
NEW YORK, New York, August 4, 2006 (ENS)

聯合國運送至黎巴嫩的物資The United Nations is sending a joint emergency assessment team to the devastated port city of Tyre in south Lebanon today. Some 85,000 Tyre residents have fled as the Israeli bombardment of southern Lebanon stretches over more than three weeks. "Thousands of people have left Tyre, this city in the south that had become the hub for humanitarian activities in southern Lebanon," UN spokesman Ahmad Fawzi told reporters at UN headquarters in New York.

Since the conflict began nearly three weeks ago, the United Nations estimates that more than 1.2 million people have been displaced - at least 900,000 people in Lebanon, and up to 300,000 on the Israeli side.

"The situation is grave and deteriorating rather rapidly," said UNICEF Director of Emergency Programmes Dan Toole, who visited the Middle East earlier this week. "Children are cut off. Families are cut off. Many, many people are without assistance, without food, without water."

Fawzi said UN agencies are continuing to provide assistance to those most in need but the ongoing conflict continues to restrict humanitarian access. The UN World Food Programme (WFP) had to postpone a convoy from Beirut to Jezzine until today because armored escort vehicles were not available.

Since the start of the crisis, nine WFP humanitarian convoys have made their way to south Lebanon from Beirut, supplying Tyre, Jezzine, Sidon, Qana and Tebnin. But each convoy has to be approved by the Israeli Defense Force so they can travel in safety without being attacked. Wednesday two convoys were cancelled at the last minute.

Fawzi said the World Health Organization (WHO) is "very concerned" about water and sanitation because of the risk of infectious diseases, noting that diarrhea has already been reported in one of the schools sheltering the displaced.