尼泊爾開釋犀牛盜獵者 保育團體痛斥 | 環境資訊中心

尼泊爾開釋犀牛盜獵者 保育團體痛斥


尼泊爾獨角犀牛(圖片來源: Deepak Gajurel)尼泊爾政府決定釋放9名負罪的犀牛盜獵者與交易商,保育團體20日表示,地方長期保護瀕絕物種的努力,未來將因政府此番決定而倍感威脅。近年來,盜獵嚴然已成為尼泊爾獨角犀牛群的頭號殺手,而保育人士擔心此現象的持續惡化,將加促盜獵者罔視嚴格的保育執法。

Conservation Groups Decry Release of Rhino Poachers
KATMANDU, Nepal, September 20, 2006 (ENS)
The government of Nepal’s decision to release nine convicted rhino poachers and traders threatens the future of long-term efforts to protect the endangered species, conservation groups said Wednesday. Poaching has decimated Nepal’s population of one-horned rhino in recent years and conservationists worry that the trend could continue and accelerate absent strict enforcement efforts.