北極海冰加速溶化 專家:2060年不尋冰跡 | 環境資訊中心

北極海冰加速溶化 專家:2060年不尋冰跡


北極海冰(圖片來源:Arctic Coring Expedition)美國「國家冰雪數據中心」(NSIDC)科學家3日指出,倘若當今暖化趨勢持續下去,西元2060年時,北極海將不再出現任何一塊冰。研究人員表示,由於全球氣溫不斷上升,今年的北極海冰測量量仍然延續大幅減少的情勢,而溫室氣體排放量不斷增加導致暖化,海冰的融化因而與預期的氣候變化呈現一致。


Arctic Sea Ice Melt Accelerating
BOULDER, Colorado, October 4, 2006 (ENS)
The Arctic Ocean will be ice-free by 2060 if current warming trends continue, scientists with the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center said Tuesday. Measurements of Arctic sea ice from this year continued a pattern of sharp annual decreases due to rising temperatures, the researchers said, and the melting is consistent with predicted changes to the climate caused by rising greenhouse gas emissions.