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英國人浪費能源 居歐洲榜首


67%英國人燒開水時在水壺裡放超過需要的水量根據一項以5,000名歐洲人所做的能源使用習慣調查顯示,英國人能源浪費的情形居歐洲之冠。英國節能信託基金會(Energy Saving Trust)於23日發表的研究報告發現,德國人最能有效率地使用能源,其次為西班牙人,英國人則是浪費能源的榜首。

英國節約能源基金會專為消費者提供能源效率諮詢的獨立團體,該會主席塞爾伍德(Philip Sellwood)表示:「英國節約能源基金會預估,除非我們克制浪費能源的習慣,否則到2010年將可能造成110億英鎊的浪費及產生約4300萬公噸的二氧化碳,相當於每年700萬個家庭所釋放的二氧化碳。」

英國「地球之友」(Friends of the Earth)分析另一份報告中針對政府能源使用數據表示,英國的二氧化碳排放量在2006年前半年逐步上升,如今達到自工黨1997年執政以來的最高點。數據顯示使用石油及煤的用量增加,雖然瓦斯的使用量減少了,但是整體的能源消耗量是增加的。






Brits Most Guilty of Energy Wasting Habits
LONDON, UK, October 23, 2006 (ENS)

Brits are the most wasteful people in Europe, according to a survey of the energy habits of 5,000 Europeans. A report today by the UK's Energy Saving Trust found Germans are the most efficient in their energy use, followed by the Spanish, but Brits top the European Energy Wasters' league.

"The Energy Saving Trust predicts that by 2010, unless we curb our energy wasting habits we could have wasted £11 billion (US$20.6 billion) and around 43 million tonnes of carbon dioxide," said Philip Sellwood, chief executive of the Energy Saving Trust, an independent consumer advisory body on energy efficiency. "This is equivalent to the annual carbon dioxide emissions of seven million homes."

UK carbon dioxide emissions rose in the first half of 2006, and are now at their highest level since Labour came to power in 1997, Friends of the Earth UK said today after analyzing the latest government energy figures in a separate report. The figures show that use of oil and coal increased, while gas use decreased - but the overall picture was that total energy consumption rose.

The Energy Saving Trust's "Habits of a Lifetime: European Energy Usage Report" looked at 12 of the most common energy wasting habits among consumers.

The report discovered a litany of wasteful habits among British people yet a high degree of guilt about the problem. While 86 percent of British people surveyed said they feel guilty about wasting energy, 76 percent admitted habitually leaving appliances on standby; 67 percent boil more water than needed in the kettle; 65 percent leave electrical appliances plugged in; and 63 percent leave lights on in unoccupied rooms.

Italians are most wasteful with fuel, according to the report, as they forget to turn their car engines off when in heavy traffic 2.5 times a week, compared to less than once a week in Germany.

By contrast, the French jump in their car just twice a week when they could easily use a different form of transport, compared to three times a week in Britain and Italy. The French are most likely to don a sweater rather than turning up the thermostat, with just 16 percent of people reaching for the thermostat at least once a week.

The report found that laziness topped the list for Brits as an explanation for their inefficient energy habits, with 42 percent citing it as one of the main reasons for their careless attitude towards energy.

Sellwood is urging British people to assuage their guilt by actually doing something about wasting energy. "Without reading this report, there is one simple thing you can do to help change your energy habits," said Sellwood. "Join our campaign and commit to saving 20 percent of the energy you use every day."




蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.