區域國際環境組織(KIMO)國際總裁議員尼可森(Angus Nicolson)表示:「為了此目的而安排的海運相關準備工作有許多缺點,可以說是一個二流的計畫。」他說:「現今我們已經開始使用特製的雙船體油輪運油,以保護海洋生物環境。相較之下,這次的運輸方式顯得非常不負責任。」
The Shetland Islands Council is worried about the safety of its coastal communities during the next few days when a shipment of highly radioactive nuclear fuel is shipped from British to French waters in a vessel the Council says is inadequate for the job. former roll-on roll-off ferry, the Atlantic Osprey, owned by the British Nuclear Group, will transport 1.25 metric tons of mixed oxide fuel, MOX, from a UK nuclear reprocessing facility to Swiss power utility Nordostschweizerische Kraftwerke.
MOX is mixed uranium-plutonium fuel for nuclear power plants, and this shipment contains about 90 kilograms of highly radioactive plutonium. The MOX will be transported by sea from Sellafield on the Irish Sea in Cumbria, UK to Cherbourg, France before it is delivered overland to the Beznau plant in Switzerland.
The Atlantic Osprey has a single hull, just a single engine and will travel unescorted throughout its journey. By contrast, when MOX is transported to and from Japan by British Nuclear, purpose built vessels are used - vessels with twin engines, double hulls and naval armament. Two vessels travel together to provide support in case of an attack.
KIMO International President Councillor Angus Nicolson said, "The arrangements surrounding these proposed shipments are flawed and second rate." "It is absolutely irresponsible in this day and age," he said, "where we are requiring super tankers carrying oil to have double hulls to protect our marine environment.”
The route will pass close to one of the most densely populated areas in the world and will cross some of the busiest shipping lanes. Nicolson points out that the ship is therefore at increased risk of collision or terrorist attack.
There has been a lack of emergency planning in the event of a marine accident involving nuclear material, warns KIMO, which also has concerns about "the questionable integrity of the flasks used to transport nuclear fuel." KIMO takes the position that the transport of nuclear materials should be halted and that nuclear materials should be stored at the point of production. Speaking for the KIMO Secretariat, Rick Nickerson said the potential impact on coastal communities from an accident or terrorist attack on the Atlantic Osprey would be devastating.
A full report on the Transport of Mixed Oxide Fuel and other Radioactive Cargoes by Ship in Europe is available on the KIMO website: www.kimointernational.org