立法人員認為這個情況不能再繼續下去,他們希望垃圾成長率在2012年之前停止攀升,並在2020年開始降低。因此,在贊成651人,反對19人,16人棄權的票數下,歐洲議會正式通過英國保守黨代表傑克森(Caroline Jackson)所提出的框架指令。
The European Parliament today tackled Europe's growing waste mountain when it strengthened the new framework legislation on waste proposed by the European Commission, the EU's executive branch.
Despite existing legislation, Europeans are producing more waste every year. Currently, in some member states, up to 90 percent of municipal waste goes to landfill sites. Europe-wide, only 33 percent of waste is recycled or composted.
The lawmakers are convinced this cannot go on. They want the upward curve to be halted in 2012 and waste production to start declining from 2020.
On a vote of 651 to 19 with 16 abstentions, Parliament today adopted a report by UK Conservative MEP Caroline Jackson on the framework directive.
The measure introduces targets for waste prevention and recycling, and directs all 27 EU member states to create national waste prevention programs within 18 months of the entry into force of the legislation, known as a framework directive.
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