亞伯達大學(University of Alberta)生物學家丹比(Ryan Danby),也是此研究的作者之一,他進一步解釋,「一般認為,在高緯度與高海拔的惡劣氣候影響下,林木線位移的速度相當緩慢。但我們的研究數據顯示,反映氣溫攀升的樹木數量在激增,像是它正在等待,直到天時地利的狀態,它就會決定起身,並且起跑,而非只是牛步而已。」
Northern Canada's tundra is disappearing at a rapid rate, with forests of spruce trees and shrubs taking over the once frozen landscape, new research finds. The study offers further evidence of climate change and the authors warn it shows that the shift in the Canadian tundra can happen at a much faster speed than scientists originally thought.
The research examines changes in the treeline between forest and tundra ecosystems, a prominent landscape feature in both Arctic and mountain environments. Scientists have long believed that the treeline will advance as global temperatures continue to increase, but the new study shows that such a shift will not always occur gradually.
"The conventional thinking on treeline dynamics has been that advances are very slow because conditions are so harsh at these high latitudes and altitudes," explained study author Ryan Danby, a biologist with the University of Alberta. "But what our data indicates is that there was an upslope surge of trees in response to warmer temperatures. It's like it waited until conditions were just right and then it decided to get up and run, not just walk."