世界銀行近日已通過決議,提撥資金協助剛果首都金夏沙興建水源供應設備和道路,而這也是世界銀行最新資助程序所通過的第一項補助案。世界銀行總裁沃爾福威茨(Paul Wolfowitz)與歐盟發展委員會執委米修(Jean-Louis Michel),極力主張國際社會能加快腳步,共同參與支持剛果民主共和國新政府的重建成果。
Funding for water supplies and roads for the capital city of Kinshasa will be the first grant of a new streamlined funding process the World Bank has approved for the Democratic Republic of the Congo, DRC. World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz and EU Development Commissioner Jean-Louis Michel urged the international community to move quickly in supporting the reconstruction efforts of the DRC's new government.
At a news conference in Kinshasa Friday, Wolfowitz and Michel emphasized the critical importance of translating the dividends of peace into concrete changes in the lives of those who live in this resource rich but poverty stricken nation of 66 million people.
The World Bank, which administers the Multidonor Forest Trust Fund on behalf of the European Commission, Belgium, France, and the UK, plans to support the DRC's reform efforts with a new project, financed with International Development Association funds, to strengthen the forest department, the nature conservation institute, and civil society organizations. The International Development Association is the part of the World Bank that helps the world's poorest countries by providing interest-free credits and grants for programs that boost economic growth, reduce inequalities and improve people's living conditions.