日本遭控違反有毒廢棄物條約 毒留亞洲國家 | 環境資訊中心

日本遭控違反有毒廢棄物條約 毒留亞洲國家


工業、醫療廢棄物焚化爐(圖片來源:Tsukishima Kikai Co., Ltd)危險廢棄物觀察團體巴塞爾行動網(Basel Action Network;BAN)聲稱,日本自2002年起,就開始籌畫推廣有毒廢棄物交易自由化的計劃;鑑於日本的行為已嚴重違反國際條約,巴塞爾行動網已於12日向日本提出正式抗議,惟恐日本意圖在亞洲建立專屬的有毒廢棄物殖民地。


「全球焚化爐替代方案聯盟」(GAIA)的切勒頓(Jayakumar Chelaton)認為,日本的舉動不僅藐視國際法,甚至淪喪道德恃強欺弱,利用金錢買通貧窮國家,好為國內有毒廢棄物尋求出口。綠色和平泰國分會的基第雅朗(Kittikhun Kittiaram)則表示:「國家藉由犧牲環境健康來成全經濟健康,是一種非常矛盾的做法,」不過「我們遲早得面對環境破壞與毒廢物後遺症等慘痛代價,而日本卻可以安然地置身事外。」 

Japan Accused of Breaching Toxic Waste Trade Treaty
SEATTLE, Washington, March 14, 2007 (ENS)

Since 2002, Japan has been laying the groundwork for a plan to liberalize and promote toxic waste trade among Asian countries in violation of an international treaty, claims a hazardous waste watchdog group Basel Action Network, BAN, which filed a formal complaint against Japan on Monday concerning Japan's "intent to create toxic waste colonies around Asia."

BAN says that Japan is utilizing bilateral trade agreements concluded with Singapore, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Thailand that eliminate tariffs on hazardous wastes to promote trade in these substances. "The manner in which these trade agreements are being used we believe constitutes non-compliance with the Basel Convention," BAN said, and added that Japan is throwing its economic weight around among developing nations to force them to take Japanese hazardous wastes "in the same manner" that Japan has been able to dominate the International Whaling Convention to counter the global consensus.

"It is both an affront to international law and morally repugnant for a rich country such as Japan to bully poorer nations with its money into accepting its toxic effluent," said Jayakumar Chelaton of the Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives. Kittikhun Kittiaram of Greenpeace in Thailand said, "But it is a contradiction to expect a nation to sacrifice its environmental health to become economically healthy.  A destroyed environment and a toxic legacy is a devastating cost that will get paid sooner or later and it will be us and not Japan paying that bill when it comes due."


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.