綠建築漸成主流 市場規模上看20億美元 | 環境資訊中心

綠建築漸成主流 市場規模上看20億美元




全美住宅建築商協會綠建築委員會主席湯傑(Rey Tonjes)表示,能源使用效率、水及資源保護、永續或可回收產品,及室內的空氣品質,都是房屋建築每天使用過程要綜合考量的,他指出,綠建築逐漸成為房屋的主流。



Green Homebuyers Motivated by Lower Operating Costs
ST. LOUIS, Missouri, March 26, 2007 (ENS)

People who have purchased green homes say they are happy with their investments, with 85 percent saying they are more satisfied than they were with their previous, traditionally built homes, according to a home buyer survey released today.

The National Association of Home Builders, NAHB, and McGraw-Hill Construction, which conducted the research, released preliminary results of the findings at the annual National Green Building Conference that opened Sunday in St. Louis.

The survey found that that 63 percent of buyers are motivated by the lower operating and maintenance costs that come with homes that are energy and resource efficient. Nearly 50 percent said they are motivated by environmental concerns and their family's health.

Energy efficiency, water and resource conservation, sustainable or recycled products, and indoor air quality are increasingly incorporated into the everyday process of home building, Tonjes noted, demonstrating that green building is increasingly going mainstream.

The new survey also backs up recent finding by the NAHB Economics staff that interest in green remodeling continues to grow.About 40 percent of those who have recently completed home remodeling or renovation work in their homes reported that they used green products or materials, the McGraw-Hill Construction research found.

The survey found that 0.3 percent of all existing United States homes are truly green - constructed using several different green building design features and products - a market sized at approximately $2 billion. More than 60 percent of those surveyed say that consumer awareness, additional costs and the limited availability of homes are obstacles to green homes gaining a bigger market share.

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