調查顯示近4成民眾關心綠色旅行 | 環境資訊中心



愈來愈多旅行者願意多花費搭乘環保航機(照片來源:澳洲The Age日報)旅行推薦家(TripAdvisor)因為提供真實旅行者的實際建議而聲明大噪。該旅行公司針對生態旅遊實施的調查發現滿多消費者願意為那種綠色旅行方式多付一些費用。


旅行推薦家的公關主任培里(Michele Perry)表示:「調查對象當中明顯多數具有環境意識,這是給旅遊企業的訊息,希望他們加速提供環保的服務。」




Poll: Nearly 40 Percent Care About Green Travel
NEEDHAM, Massachusetts, April 19, 2007 (ENS)

Known for featuring real advice from real travelers, the travel company TripAdvisor has conducted an ecotourism survey that found many people are willing spend more to be green.

The new survey of more than 1,000 travelers worldwide found that 38 percent of respondents said environmentally-friendly tourism is a consideration when traveling. Sixty-six percent believe environmentally-friendly measures in travel are making a difference.

"A significant number of TripAdvisor survey respondents are environmentally-conscious, which sends a message to the travel industry to ratchet up eco-friendly offerings," said Michele Perry, director of communications for TripAdvisor.

Thirty-four percent of travelers surveyed would pay more to stay at an environmentally-friendly hotel. Twenty-five percent would be willing to pay a five to 10 percent premium, and 12 percent would pay a 10 to 20 percent premium.

When asked what qualities are most important to making a hotel eco-friendly, conserving energy ranked number one, followed by conserving water and using recycled paper. Seventy-eight percent of travelers said they decline to have their sheets and towels changed to save water and energy, when provided that option by hoteliers.

Eleven percent of those polled have taken an ecotourism trip, and 25 percent are considering booking ecotourism travel. Twenty-four percent of respondents believe that air travel should be avoided, when possible, to help preserve the environment. Thirty-eight percent of travelers surveyed would pay more to take an eco-friendly flight and 26 percent would pay a 5-10 percent premium.

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蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.