Industry in Asia has a vast untapped potential to improve energy efficiency that is urgently needed as energy demands increase to serve a growing population, according to a new guidebook introduced today by the United Nations Environmental Programme. The "Energy Efficiency Guide for Industry in Asia" explores energy solutions through case studies in over 40 companies in nine countries across Asia.
The guide will be launched nationally in eight other countries over the next three months. The guide gives companies information they can use to reduce production costs through real company examples, a methodology, technical information, tools, and a contact and information database.
Armed with the guide, companies can improve environmental performance and reduce greenhouse gas emissions responsible for climate change.
The 40 Asian companies in the cement, chemicals, ceramics, pulp and paper, and steel sectors were each able to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by several tons to more than 85,000 tons of carbon dioxide per year by taking energy efficiency measures. In the process, each company saved money - from a few hundred dollars up to US$4 million a year.
The guide will be distributed at the 9th Special Session of the UNEP Governing Council and Global Ministerial Environment Forum to be held February 7 to 9, 2006 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Topics that will be discussed during the session are energy and the environment, and tourism and the environment.
The "Energy Efficiency Guide for Industry in Asia" is the primary output of the project Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction from Industry in Asia and the Pacific (GERIAP) which seeks to support Asian businesses to address climate change by becoming more energy efficient, and thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions and costs. Based in Bangkok, GERIAP is online at: geriap.org