2001年9月11日美國紐約雙子星大樓遭恐怖攻擊事件,發生於美國前環保署長惠特曼(Christine Todd Whitman)任期內,國會小組已於25日針對環保署是否在進行後續清理工作時,使數以千計的民眾暴露於有毒塵埃中一事,對惠特曼展開調查。
根據美國西奈山醫學中心(Mount Sinai Medical Center)2006年9月所發表的研究報告顯示,歷經恐怖攻擊之後,在9500名工作於世貿大樓災變現場的應變人員當中,在工作期間或之後,有7成陸續出現新的或惡化的呼吸道症狀。
此次公聽會召集人國會議員內德勒(Jerrold Nadler)在開場致詞時表示,「聯邦政府本身是否作出不恰當的反應,故意對人民做出危害人身的舉動,並且因此危害到憲法賦予人民的權利?真若如此,哪一位政府官員該為此負責呢?」
When the hijacked planes hit New York's World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001, Christine Todd Whitman was serving as administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Monday, she was examined by a Congressional panel about whether the actions of her agency caused the exposure of thousands of people to hazardous dust from the collapse of the twin towers.
A study of 9,500 World Trade Center responders by Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York issued last September found that, since the attacks, 70 percent had a new or worsened respiratory symptom that developed during or after their time working at Ground Zero.
The hearing examined whether the federal government, by its actions, violated the "substantive due process" rights of first responders, local residents, students and workers.
Specifically," said Nadler in his opening statement, "did the federal government itself, by responding inadequately or improperly to the environmental impacts - knowingly do bodily harm to its citizens, and thereby violate their constitutional rights? And, if so, which government actors were responsible?"