對抗氣候危機全球日音樂會Live Earth將在7月7日登場,活動中要求地球上的每一個人開始採取行動讓地球保持涼爽,同時也要求大家都能響應支持到2050年減少90%溫室氣體(二氧化碳)排放量的目標,並且在2009年達成有關全球暖化全面性的國際協定。
2007年7月7日Live Earth環保音樂會將在紐約、倫敦、雪梨、東京、上海、里約熱內盧、約翰尼斯堡和漢堡陸續登場,而且將聚集超過150名世界最優秀的音樂人和樂壇傳奇性人物,如警察合唱團(The Police)、創世紀合唱團(Genesis)、邦喬飛(Bon Jovi)和瑪丹娜(Madonna)等,以及當代的人氣歌手肯伊威斯特(Kanye West)、凱莉克萊森(Kelly Clarkson)、黑眼豆豆合唱團(Black Eyed Peas)、傑克強森(Jack Johnson)等共襄盛舉。
Live Eath橫跨7大洲(包括南極洲)的24小時無間斷音樂會,將呼籲全世界採取保護地球的行動,並尋求回應保護行動所需的解決方案。其要求每個人都貢獻一己之力,從居家及工作當中做起,不管他們是在社區週邊或是在逛街購物,並且也敦促政府開始做出必要的改變。
Nine days to go before Live Earth - the global day of music to combat the climate crisis - and everyone on Earth is being asked to take their own personal actions to keep the planet cool. Live Earth is asking everyone to support a 90 percent reduction in emissions of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide by 2050 and a comprehensive international treaty on global warming by 2009.
On July 7, 2007, Live Earth will stage concerts in New York, London, Sydney, Tokyo, Shanghai, Rio de Janeiro, Johannesburg and Hamburg, and will feature more than 150 of the world's best music acts ?a mix of legendary music acts like The Police, Genesis, Bon Jovi and Madonna with the latest headliners like Kanye West, Kelly Clarkson, Black Eyed Peas and Jack Johnson.
Live Earth's 24 hours of music across all seven continents, including Antarctica, will deliver a worldwide call to action and the solutions necessary to answer that call. Live Earth is asking people to commit to making changes at home, at work, while getting around, while shopping, in their communities and to urge changes by their governments.