電場引起健康問題 小動作可改善 | 環境資訊中心

電場引起健康問題 小動作可改善



這份研究發表於8月份的《大氣環境》(Atmospheric Environment)期刊,研究顯示,長期暴露在由日常室內環境所產生的電場中,會增加罹患呼吸道疾病及感染空氣傳染物如過敏原、細菌和病毒的風險。

帝國學院環境政策中心的詹米森(Keith Jamieson)是本篇研究的主筆作者,他表示:「許多導致高量電場、或沈積量及污染量增加的因素,經常在醫院的病房環境,或有『辦公大樓症候群』病患的建築物中發現。」






Electrical Fields Generate Health Problems
LONDON, UK, July 31, 2007 (ENS)

醫院病床在製作時就蘊藏著靜電的危險(資料來源:ENS)Electrical fields generated by everyday electrical equipment such as computers, and excess static electricity created by many modern materials, could be bad for your health, according to new research published by scientists at the Imperial College London. The study found such risks are far higher than previously thought, but simple actions can be taken in home, office and hospital to help reduce them.

The study, published in the August issue of the journal "Atmospheric Environment," indicates that prolonged exposure to the electrical fields generated in everyday indoor environments may cause increased risk of respiratory diseases and infection from small airborne particles such as allergens, bacteria and viruses.

Keith Jamieson of Imperial's Centre for Environmental Policy, lead author of the paper, says, "Many of the factors that can cause high electric fields and increased deposition and contamination are often found in hospital ward environments and in buildings where incidents of sick building syndrome are noted.

Electrical fields also have been shown by the authors to "significantly reduce" localized concentrations of charged molecular oxygen, a type of small air ion, that enhances biological functioning and kills harmful microbes.

Electric field levels can also vary with the humidity levels of indoor air. Levels below 20-30 percent humidity cause marked increases in the level of electrical fields that can be generated, increasing incidents of particle deposition in people's lungs and on their skin, resulting in infections.

But Jamieson says there are a number of simple actions to take at work and at home that can help reduce the toxic load our bodies have to deal with and the risk of illness and infection being transmitted in this way.

"In the case of electrical equipment, particularly laptops, ensuring they are earthed [grounded] can often greatly reduce fields," he said.

"In terms of the electrostatic charge generated by people themselves," he advises, "careful selection of materials and humidity levels can significantly reduce problems as can balanced bipolar air ionization."
"Trying to avoid spending time in areas where high fields are created, and unplugging electrical equipment when not in use, are also good options."

全文及圖片詳見 ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.