擔任團隊首席的生物系統工程學副教授艾布利佛(Foster Agblevor)表示,現在的廢棄物處理系統例如施用於土地上及餵飼給牛群的方式,都會因為滲漏及雨水沖刷對水源產生污染,並因可能使食物鏈受狂牛症污染,而遭遇很大壓力。
Each year in the United States the poultry industry produces more than 5.6 million tons of litter - a mixture of bedding, manure, feathers, and spilled feed.
Now, a team of researchers in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Virginia Tech is developing transportable pyrolysis units that will convert poultry litter into bio-oil that can be burned as fuel right at the poultry farm, providing an economical disposal system while reducing environmental effects and biosecurity issues.
Team leader Foster Agblevor, an associate professor of biological systems engineering, says current disposal methods such as land application and feeding to cattle are under pressure because of pollution of water resources due to leaching and runoff and concern about mad cow disease contamination in the food chain.
There are also concerns that poultry litter can harbor diseases such as avian influenza. While bird flu virus can be spread on people's shoes, vehicles, and through movement of litter.
"The self-contained transportable pyrolysis unit will allow poultry producers to process the litter on site rather than having to haul the litter to a separate location," Agblevor said. "In addition, the thermochemical process destroys the microorganisms reducing the likelihood of the transmission of disease to other locations."
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