APEC會談:氣候變遷、核能成核心問題 | 環境資訊中心



布希總統與霍華德總理步行前往旅館參加記者會途中與一對夫婦握手。圖片來源:ENS 繼雪梨舉行的亞太經合組織(APEC)雙邊會談後,澳洲總理霍華德(John Howard)與美國總統布希9月5日於新聞記者會宣佈,美國與澳洲針對氣候改變及核能問題,將進行更密切的合作。



「澳洲計畫加入全球核子夥伴關係計劃(Global Nuclear Energy Partnership),一旦能運用核子科技,並防止核武器擴散,將受益匪淺,」霍華德說,「美國將挺身支持澳洲加入第4屆國際論壇,這項論壇將討論研發更安全且更優良的核子反應爐。」

Climate Change, Nuclear Power Central to APEC Meeting
SYDNEY, Australia, September 6, 2007 (ENS)

Australia and the United States will cooperate more closely on climate change and nuclear power, Prime Minister John Howard and President George W. Bush announced Wednesday at a news conference following their bi-lateral meeting at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, APEC, gathering in Sydney.

The leaders and senior officials of the 21 APEC economies situated around the Pacific Rim are meeting here through Sunday to strengthen the Asia-Pacific community. The focus of the APEC meeting will be on economic development, trade, regional security, job creation and climate change.

綠色和平組織成員在紐卡索抗議澳洲煤業。圖片來源:ENS Prime Minister Howard told reporters, "We agreed on joint statements regarding climate change and energy, a joint nuclear energy action plan, which involves cooperation on civil nuclear energy, including R&D, skills and technical training, and regulatory issues.

"Australia intends to participate in the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership, and there will be great benefits in terms of access to nuclear technology and nonproliferation," Howard said. "And the United States will support Australian membership in the Generation IV International Forum, which involves R&D to develop safer and better nuclear reactors."

全文及圖片詳見 ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.